Benjamin Wolozin on alpha-Synuclein membrane interactions and lipid specificity.
COMMENT Important contribution to understanding synuclein biology. 0 bwolozin
COMMENT Important contribution to understanding synuclein biology. 0 bwolozin
COMMENT If replicated, the importance of this finding is obvious 0 nikos.robakis
COMMENT The authors suggest that the neuritic striations they describe may disrupt the microtubule system and, thus, block fast axonal transport. This could be an important component of both the disrupted synapses as well as altered retrograde transmission of mat
COMMENT It is interesting to know the effect of tau mutations on their fibril formation. Several lines of evidence must accumulate for different aspects of the tau mutations because of a wide variety of tauopathy. 0 mori
COMMENT This would appear to be a theoretical effort to solve the AD mystery by a mathematical model that speculates upon potential links between beta amyloid, potassium currents, intracellular calcium, etc. We need more empirical science and less arm chair specu
COMMENT His hypothesis that G protein is tightly associated with AD degeneration is very unique and interesting on the viewpoint of signal transduction disorder. 0 mori
COMMENT A key new lead. Specificity may be dependent on the PC12 line 0 cwcotman
COMMENT Since alpha-2-macroglobulin is claimed to be associated with sproadic AD, factors such as immune reacion and lipid metabolism should be of greater interest. 0 mori
COMMENT This is a good review for the production and clearance of cellular proteins modified by advanced glycation endproducts (AGE). It has been proposed that Glycation products may be important for AD (see also next Abstract) 0 nikos.robakis
COMMENT Ab1-42/43 is likely to be associated with presenilin-1 but this paper indicates the possible interaction between Ab1-40 and presenilin-1. 0 mori
COMMENT This suggests superoxide production by PS-1 mutations. What remains to be seen is the relationship between radical species and amyloidgenesis, both of which were caused by PS-1. 0 mori
COMMENT Caspase is a family of apoptosis-related protease and now known to be comprised of more than 13 species. Some of them could be related to AD pathogenesis. 0 mori
COMMENT Interesting. 0 emufson
COMMENT The high radical scavenger activity in ApoE null mice may be related with the lack of amyloid deposition. 0 mori
COMMENT Timing is everything. This study suggests that COX2 may be upregulated in AD (assuming that animal models are an accurate reflection of the disease) at later stages in the pathogenesis of the disease. Thus, inhibitors of COX2 might be more useful in prima