Zheng-Fischhöfer Q, Biernat J, Mandelkow EM, Illenberger S, Godemann R, Mandelkow E. Sequential phosphorylation of Tau by glycogen synthase kinase-3beta and protein kinase A at Thr212 and Ser214 generates the Alzheimer-specific epitope of antibody AT100 and requires a paired-helical-filament-like conformation. Eur J Biochem. 1998 Mar 15;252(3):542-52. PubMed.
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Osaka City University Medical School
We need the detailed phosphorylation mechanism of tau to understand cell death. This is but one tau study, but is a step towards knowing the molecular mechanism of dementia.
We need the detailed phosphorylation mechanism of tau to understand cell death. This is but one tau study, but is a step towards knowing the molecular mechanism of dementia.
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