Elliott Mufson on The mean A beta load in the hippocampus correlates with duration and severity of dementia in subgroups of Alzheimer disease.
COMMENT Interesting study. 0 emufson
COMMENT Interesting study. 0 emufson
COMMENT Predictive test? Could be important. 0 bwolozin
COMMENT This is an important finding as it suggests that APP may also have a role in synaptic structure or function. We should remember that AD is probably a synaptic disorder. 0 nikos.robakis
COMMENT Kimpara et al report finding a polymorphic feature of a promoter region of the human HO-1 gene and suggest that this may be a useful marker for studying certain human diseases. However, they apparently do not find evidence for particular alleles associate
COMMENT Interesting special issue (also see articles below). 0 emufson
COMMENT 'Our study demonstrates that the brains of a large percentage of cognitively normal, relatively well-educated individuals contain numerous degenerative changes and only a small percentage are relatively free of these changes.' The changes referr
COMMENT This is the first paper to show that APP is involved in cognitive function using ApoE KO mice. 0 mori
COMMENT This site is the hot spot we have to conclude immediately. 0 mori
COMMENT This clearly denies the association of a gene near BCHE with AD. 0 mori
COMMENT The function of calcenilin is largely unknown. This article provides important new information about the function of this protein. The pro-apoptotic connection is particularly interesting because calcenilin binds to PS2, which is also implicated in apopto
COMMENT More light on issues related to mt DNA in AD. This paper and the preceeding Hirano paper make a very interesting pair in relation to the earlier Dais paper. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT It is important because it suggests a more general disturbance in protein processing in AD. The presence of huntingtin in NFTs is clearly secondary to the AD and suggest that the metabolism of many different proteins, not just APP or tau, is affected in A
COMMENT This paper provides important information about BACE cleavage. It has been known for a long time that multiple Ab peptides consisting of X-38-42 are generated. This paper begins to look at the mechanism of generation of the X-38-42 peptides, and shows tha
COMMENT Interesting 0 cwcotman
COMMENT The Ulas and Cotman article is of considerable interest in relation to a manuscript we will be publishing in the Archives of Neurology in October 1997 which sets forth a new hypothesis linking neurodegeneration in AD to a deficit in the NMDA receptor syst