Gerry Fischbach on Expression of CD43 in human microglia and its downregulation in Alzheimer's disease.
COMMENT Significance of their finding is totally unclear.. 0 gf224
COMMENT Significance of their finding is totally unclear.. 0 gf224
COMMENT Assessment of the status of transport in AD is vitally important, and examination by SNAP-25 IHC is appropriate. However, the abstract suggests that the results obtained by these authors is limited to swollen axons. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT The evidence supporting a BBB dysfunction in elderly demented patents in this paper adds further weight to a (uncertain) role of the BBB in AD and other pathologies. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT however, DS individuals without three copies of the APP locus do not appear to get AD (Ann Neurol. 1998 Mar;43(3):380-3) 0 J.Hardy
COMMENT CAA is also one of the pathological hallmarks for AD, but its etiological explanation still remains unclear. This paper shows ACT allelic difference in angiopathy deposition and [provides further support for the theory that ACT plays a role in dementia pa
COMMENT The abstract tells us that there was no drug-plecebo difference in any outcome measure, as had been seen in an earlier study 'perhaps because the patients were studied less intensively'. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT The abstract does not make it clear whether this cell counting study used unbiased stereological methods. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT The abstract contains no information concerning the amount of aluminum administered nor its relation to physiological levels. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT Interesting. 0 emufson
COMMENT This is an important article because it validates the relationship between CAA and hemorrhage, which was one of the earliest APP related mutations associated with dementia. 0 bwolozin
COMMENT There are few papers to show neuropathology of brains with familial AD bearing PS-2 but not PS-1 mutation. This report is important and more than welcome to understand pathogenesis of volga german family. 0 mori
COMMENT CBD and PSP are sporadic tauopathies to show similar inclusions. This paper may be the first paper to explain a difference in their clinical symptoms on the neuropathological evidence. 0 mori
COMMENT Lezoualc'h and Behl have writtern a thoughtful review article pertaining to the role of NF-kappa B as a t ranscription factor that may activate defensive genes that may influence cell degeneration and death processes. The jury is still out regarding
COMMENT The distribution and variability of neurofibrillary tangles is one of the crucial neuropathological changes in AD brain. Such study provides us the basic and solid basis in understanding the etiology of the disease. 0 mori
COMMENT The thesis of this paper on the role of synaptic markers as correlates of dementia is provocative. But axoplasmic transfer of SNAP-25 may not be the best marker for AD dementia and its transport may be irrelevant to AD pathology. 0 nikos.robakis