Hiroshi Mori on Quantification of sub-femtomole amounts of Alzheimer amyloid beta peptides.
COMMENT This is a third method to measure Abeta. 0 mori
COMMENT This is a third method to measure Abeta. 0 mori
COMMENT This is important because it complements a recent report suggesting that caffeine is beneficial in PD. Both caffeine and nicotine elevate cAMP, so this report strengthens a putative link between cAMP and neuroprotection in PD. 0 bwolozin
COMMENT Interesting. 0 emufson
COMMENT There are some transgenic mice to show amyloid plaques but this is the first study to show the presence of tau alteration to suggest the occurrence of PHF. 0 mori
COMMENT Novel mechanism for regulating APP processing. 0 bwolozin
COMMENT This is important to show the pathological specificity of ApoE to AD. 0 mori
COMMENT Smoking is easy and may be certainly useful to prevent dementia. Such study is worth further examination. Several lines of evidence should be gathered pertaining to approaches that do NOT enhance another diseases such as lung cancer. 0 mori
COMMENT This whole supplement is obviously a must read for those wishing to learn more about AD from some of the major players in the field. A beta and tau continue to be emphasized as the constituents of the lesions described by Alzheimer. However, mounting evid
COMMENT Smiley et al. use histological methods to describe a unique population of infracortical interstitial cells that have m2 muscarinic receptors and contain cholinesterase in the human and monkey cortex. This information is a useful addition to other neuroana
COMMENT Apoptotic pathways occur independently on bcl-2 and crmA. Abeta42-dependent pathway may be related with oxidative and non-oxidative ways. 0 mori
COMMENT Noteworthy. 0 emufson
COMMENT A correlation of 0.44 produces an R squared of 0.19, meaning that the correlation of CSF tau with NFT scores accounts for only 19% of the variability in the NFT data. The magnitide of the correlation also suggests that there may be significant overlap bet
COMMENT A different Kd of perlecan with two Abeta species in the binding should provide a mechanism for cofactors to enhance amyloid fibriol formation. 0 mori
COMMENT The clinical diagnosis of Lewy body disease is an important issue, but the precise definition of definitive clinical criteria remains unsettled. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT Holsboer reviews the evidence for a unified hypothesis to explaiin the neuropathology of AD in terms of an oxidative stress mechanism. This is a well written review, but it does not present any new data or novel ideas that have not been presented before.