Sturchler-Pierrat C, Abramowski D, Duke M, Wiederhold KH, Mistl C, Rothacher S, Ledermann B, Bürki K, Frey P, Paganetti PA, Waridel C, Calhoun ME, Jucker M, Probst A, Staufenbiel M, Sommer B. Two amyloid precursor protein transgenic mouse models with Alzheimer disease-like pathology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Nov 25;94(24):13287-92. PubMed.
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Osaka City University Medical School
There are some transgenic mice to show amyloid plaques but this is the first study to show the presence of tau alteration to suggest the occurrence of PHF.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYU
If the claim of this paper on the induction of tau pathology by APP mutations is replicated, these mice will be the best available AD model.
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