Benjamin Wolozin on Atorvastatin, Vaccine Trial Data Published

COMMENT This week marks publication of a provocative study by Sparks et al. (Sparks et al., 2005). This study suggests that treatment with atorvastatin reduces the progression of Alzheimer disease (AD) in subjects with mild to moderate forms of the disease. The r

Dominic Walsh on Atorvastatin, Vaccine Trial Data Published

COMMENT The analysis of a subset of patients for whom CSF samples were available before and after production of anti-Aβ antibodies suggests that successful immunization with Aβ may retard further neurodegeneration. Although the number of patients studied is very

Tobias Hartmann on Atorvastatin, Vaccine Trial Data Published

COMMENT In response to the paper by Sparks et al.: Recently, several studies reported an absence of noticeable effects on cognition in treated AD patients. All of these studies had as a common denominator the use of low or moderate statin dosages, and for most of

Hugo Geerts on Reminyl Relabeled

COMMENT While the data on mortality in these investigative studies with galantamine in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) obviously give rise to the usual extra caution for treating this older group of patients, it is necessary to put the data in the right context.

Massimo Stefani on Aβ—Pinning Down Protofibrils

COMMENT Indeed, since some time I have been thinking about the need to search for protofibril stabilizers, i.e., substances, possibly but not necessarily amphipathic, able to interact with early oligomers of misfolded proteins or peptides by masking their exposed

Yong Shen on New Lease on Life for Adult Stem Cells

COMMENT The findings of Hochedlinger et al. provide an important advance in our understanding of the contribution of the POU-domain transcription factor, Oct-4, to stem cells and their differentiation in mammals. Their data strongly suggest that ectopic expressio

Shaharyar Khan on Coaxing Longevity from Catalase

COMMENT Aging, including age-related disease, is currently postulated to be the outcome of a large number of disparate influences. Based on the analysis of familial models of late-onset diseases such as Alzheimer’s, a number of biochemical processes, such as prot

Hemachandra Reddy on Coaxing Longevity from Catalase

COMMENT The work by Schriner and colleagues is an important advance in understanding the free radical theory of aging and its implications for healthy aging and longevity. These investigators created transgenic mice that overexpress human catalase localized to pe

Mark Mattson on Coaxing Longevity from Catalase

COMMENT The findings of Schriner et al. provide an important advance in understanding the contributions of metabolism of reactive oxygen species to aging and lifespan in mammals. Their data strongly suggest that production of hydrogen peroxide in mitochondria is

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