Is NfL the New 'N' in A/T/N Classification of Alzheimer’s?
People with a lot of neurofilament light protein in their spinal fluid are more likely to develop mild cognitive impairment in the next four years.
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People with a lot of neurofilament light protein in their spinal fluid are more likely to develop mild cognitive impairment in the next four years.
Large IDEAS data set establishes that PET scans are valuable in clinical practice. Other studies suggest CSF biomarker ratios perform nearly as well.
Scientists at CTAD were excited about postmortem validation of tau scans and new, more sensitive tracers. Others are exploring practical applications for live imaging of tau pathology.
Brains of Alzheimer’s patients contain Aβ dimers consisting of monomers Aβ37 to Aβ42 and held together by covalent bonds.
Toxic Stew of Aβ Dimers Hides Out in Human Plaques How Immune Cells From Blood Beget Aging in Brain Toxic Tau: Who Are You, and Where Are You From? Tau Silences, Aβ Inflames; Hitting Excitatory Synapses Hardest When Glial Clocks Fall Out of Sync, Inflamma
With plasma tests performing in AIBL staging, scientists are sharing data across platforms and cohorts, and tackling standardization to avoid time lost to irreproducibility.
International conference gives scientists hope for understanding and treating PSP and CBD.
International Symposium Puts PSP/CBD on the Map Can Clinical Trials and Longitudinal Studies Crack Rare Tauopathies? Tufted astrocytes? Astrocytic plaques? These tau pathologies mark progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration, respective
Researchers gain traction in the study of these rare tau disorders, which are sometimes confused with Alzheimer’s disease.
Neurofilament light protein in the serum registers the degree of axonal damage after cardiac arrest, and may help doctors predict long-term consequences for the brain.
New awards plow $5 million into synthesizing published AD data and $6 million into early stage clinical trials.
Subgroup analysis addresses APOE4 randomization imbalance, claims treatment with this anti-Aβ protofibril antibody slowed cognitive decline.
The effect is small and stable, but consistent across several drugs. Researchers at CTAD debated whether it might be manageable by adjusting dosing.
Bump in the Road or Disaster? BACE Inhibitors Worsen Cognition Second Look at BAN2401 Data Still Positive, Despite Snafu Blood Tests for Amyloid Step Out at CTAD It’s Official: Tau PET Sees Tangles, and Staging Tangles Predicts Decline Amyloid PET Aids Di
Much like tau, Aβ, and α-synuclein, pathological TDP-43 spreads through the mouse brain, following the trail of neuronal connections and corrupting healthy protein along the way.
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