Alzheimer’s Researchers Seek Advice on How to Include African-Americans Do African-Americans Have More, or Different, Alzheimer’s Disease? Too Little Data to Tell Is Alzheimer’s more common, or different, in black Americans? Or do cerebrovascular risk fac
At a workshop on engaging more black Americans in ADRD research, new CSF findings stood out against a general dearth of data on Alzheimer’s disease in underrepresented minorities.
Despite having a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, relatively few black people participate in research studies or drug trials. How to achieve full representation?
In AD brain, scientists see a genome-wide histone acetylation pattern replete with peaks near familiar AD genes such as APP, presenilin, tau, complement receptor, and more.
Using TNEs—snippets of RNA transcribed from noncoding regions—as a gauge of enhancer activity, researchers tied Parkinson’s risk variants to gene regulation.