Anyone who has minced beef knows that the grinder occasionally gets clogged by a particularly tough bit of meat or gristle. Polyglutamine (polyQ) stretches, it turns out, may have a similar effect on our intracellular protein grinder, the proteasome...
When it comes to the biological activity of Aβ, a question often pondered is: How much is enough? In the March 31 Journal of Neuroscience, Barry Festoff and colleagues suggest that the answer may be...
A transgenic <em>Drosophila</em> model of AD shows learning deficits, reduced lifespan, amyloid buildup, and neurodegeneration in response to expression of human Aβ42...
To make a brain from the first neural progenitor, that cell has to divide to give many progenitors, then a portion of these go on to form neurons. It is unclear how...
This past week saw big news in genomic sequencing. In separate papers in Nature, human chromosomes 13 and 19 and a draft genome of the storied <em>Rattus norvegicus</em> were unveiled...
Surprising as it may seem, presenilins—the enzymes at the heart of the proteolytic γ-secretase complex that unleashes Aβ peptides—are essential to prevent age-related cognitive deficits and neurodegeneration...
Ubiquitin may be everywhere, but when it comes to polyglutamine diseases like Huntington’s (HD), SUMO-1 (small ubiquitin-like modifier 1) may have just as much clout...
The science policy news service Washington Fax reported on March 30 that the Coalition of Hope, a collection of advocacy groups brought together by the Alzheimer's Association, seeks to raise NIH AD funding from $699 million to...
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you. But there is some evidence, both epidemiological and molecular, that smokers are at reduced risk for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's (PD)...
How do Schwann cells know how much myelin to wrap around an axon during development? It's not a trivial problem—a small difference in myelin thickness can change signal transduction speed through the axon, with potentially devastating consequences...
As part of the tangled web of pathology that leads to Alzheimer’s disease, inflammation is associated with local immune responses. For example, recent data indicate that both AD patients and elderly healthy people have...
A loss of activity in areas of the brain that typically fire up when our brains are at rest may prove to be an accurate diagnostic marker for the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease...