Gemma Casadesus on Mutant Huntingtin—Trojan Horse or Trebuchet?

COMMENT Cortico-Cortical Connectivity: A Key Aspect to Neurodegeneration The work from William Yang and colleagues (Gu et al., 2005), while directed toward Huntington’s disease (HD), is likely broadly applicable to a number of neurodegenerative disorders includin

Mark Cookson on DJ-1 Dances with Daxx to Keep Neurons Spry

COMMENT The observation that DJ-1 is capable of protecting cells against oxidant-induced cell death has been confirmed in several laboratories without a very clear mechanism emerging for how this would happen. Showing that simple scavenging of radicals is not lik

Iwo Bohr on New Fat-Free Mouse May Carry Weight

COMMENT This mouse model seems to be a powerful tool to study different issues, the relationship between AD and lipids included. I am only surprised that cholesterol keeps being labelled as a risk factor for AD, despite the fact that in light of numerous old and

Charles Glabe on Drosophila APP Signals Synapse Formation

COMMENT This report by Vivian Budnik and coworkers provides some new insight into the normal roles of FasII, APPL and X11 in synapse formation, but it is especially interesting for AD researchers because of its potential insight into the mechanism of dystrophic n

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