Michael Hutchinson on GDNF Powers Neuron Sprouting in Human Brain

COMMENT The findings reported by Dr. Love, while having some overlap with the tissue transplant studies, show significant differences, particularly with regard to neuronal resprouting and also to the involvement of the substantia nigra. It seems likely that GDNF

Akihiko Takashima on No Toxicity in Tau’s Tangles?

COMMENT SantaCruz and colleagues manipulated transgenic tau levels using the tet-off system. Their results indicate that NFT accumulation is not sufficient to cause neuronal death and cognitive decline. This result was a bit of a surprise, because NFT formation i

Li-Huei Tsai on No Toxicity in Tau’s Tangles?

COMMENT In this study, SantaCruz and colleagues have created an inducible mutant tau transgenic model, and observed the neuropathological consequences of strategically turning on and off tau expression for set periods. Profound forebrain neurodegeneration and mem

Anthony Lang on GDNF Powers Neuron Sprouting in Human Brain

COMMENT The report by Love and colleagues in Nature Medicine provides intriguing preliminary evidence for a biological effect of GDNF in humans with Parkinson disease. The greater area of staining for tyrosine hydroxylase in the striatum on the side previously mo

Seth Love on GDNF Powers Neuron Sprouting in Human Brain

COMMENT I understand that further animal toxicity studies are in progress. However, over 100 patients have received intracerebral GDNF infusion by one route or another with no clinical toxicity and I can't believe that GDNF treatment won't be available

Neena Singh on Anchors Aweigh—Making Amyloid out of Prions

COMMENT Prion disorders include Creutzfeldt Jakob disease in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle, and chronic wasting disease in the deer and elk population of North America. The underlying pathogenic and infectious particle in all prion disorders

Yong Shen on DJ-1 Dances with Daxx to Keep Neurons Spry

COMMENT The recent finding from Junn and the Mouradian group on DJ-1 interacting with Daxx is very interesting. First, by using the two hybridization system, Junn et al. found that DJ-1 can bind Daxx, which is a component of the Fas death receptor signal transduc

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