Yanaika Hok-A-Hin on Proteomics Lays Groundwork for FTD Biomarkers

COMMENT This study makes a valuable contribution to the search for fluid biomarkers in FTD. By investigating the CSF proteome in the well-characterized GENFI cohort, the authors analyzed a large group of presymptomatic and symptomatic carriers of mutations relate

Dave Morgan on New Biomarkers Catch Tau Before It Tangles

COMMENT This work is a tour de force, with a series of well-planned studies examining soluble tau assemblies (STAs) using a FRET assay in which both components are the same antibody, although the exact antibody used is not clear from the manuscript. The authors d

Stephen Salloway on New Biomarkers Catch Tau Before It Tangles

COMMENT This contains encouraging findings about the identification of phosphotau species that may correlate with pretangles and be a marker of risk for progression of AD-related cognitive decline. If replicated and expanded, these findings could provide importan

Bernard Hanseeuw on New Biomarkers Catch Tau Before It Tangles

COMMENT This beautiful work uses human brain samples, particularly the FRET assay showing that there are soluble tau oligomers, named “soluble tau assemblies.” It is puzzling to see that these STAs are AD specific! For the CSF analyses, I am less convinced of the

Khalid Iqbal on New Biomarkers Catch Tau Before It Tangles

COMMENT Tau pathology in humans or animals, without fail, is made up of the hyperphosphorylated protein. In AD tau is hyperphosphorylated sub-stoichiometrically at multiple sites by several combinations of protein kinases. Six isoforms of tau in the human brain a

Seong Kang on New Biomarkers Catch Tau Before It Tangles

COMMENT This study represents a significant step forward in understanding early tau pathology and advancing biomarker development for AD. The identification of phosphorylation at serine-262 and serine-356 within the soluble tau assembly (STA) core (~tau258–368) p

Kanta Horie on New Biomarkers Catch Tau Before It Tangles

COMMENT This study is impactful because soluble tau assemblies (STA) containing phospho-tau serine-262 and phospho-tau-serine-356 were identified as components of pre-tangles, which are precursors of insoluble neurofibrillary tangles. From previous Cryo-EM experi

Julio Rojas on Proteomics Lays Groundwork for FTD Biomarkers

COMMENT This is an important study for fluid biomarker development in FTD. The results could support further diagnostic and therapeutic development in FTD, a condition with no cure and for which no specific diagnostic test exist. The study in this European cohort

Agustin Ibanez on Proteomics Lays Groundwork for FTD Biomarkers

COMMENT This is a very impactful paper. The authors found distinct and shared proteomic alterations across genetic FTD subtypes. Each genetic FTD mutation (C9ORF72, GRN, MAPT) displayed unique CSF proteomic changes. Some proteins were altered across all three sub

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