Studying Diverse Populations May Require New Biomarkers

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2025-02-15 Conference Coverage Although efforts to identify biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease are advancing rapidly, many still struggle to obtain information from populations other than non-Hispanic white people. At the Human Amyloid Imaging (HAI) conference,

When Tau Wanders Off, Subcortical Axon Firing Goes Mum

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2025-02-15 Conference Coverage When it comes to tau tangles, cortical deposits receive the lion’s share of scientists’ attention, but it is the tiny subcortical regions where tangles originate that might set the course for Alzheimer's. New data presented at the

At Human Amyloid Imaging Conference, Plasma Tau Was the Star

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2025-02-14 Conference Coverage The hunt for blood-based biomarkers is continuing apace. At the Human Amyloid Imaging (HAI) meeting, held January 15-17, researchers focused on new techniques—all based on tau and blood, conference title notwithstanding—for identifying

New Biomarkers Catch Tau Before It Tangles

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-14 Research News Detecting toxic forms of tau before they weave into dense thickets of tangles could pave the way for earlier diagnosis and treatment of tauopathies, including Alzheimer’s disease. In the February 10 Nature Medicine, researchers led by Thomas

Does CSF Aβ Reflect Protofibril Concentration, Rather Than Plaques?

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-14 Research News In the Alzheimer’s field, conventional wisdom holds that the growth of amyloid plaques in the brain soaks up Aβ42 peptide, depleting it from cerebrospinal fluid. Now, in the February 12 Nature Aging online, scientists led by Oskar Hansson at

Expanded Repeat Sequences Raise a Person’s Risk for Alzheimer’s

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-12 Research News Expanded repetitive sequences are infamous for causing inherited disease. Think poly-Q tracts that cause Huntington’s or the C9orf72 hexanucleotide run-ons that trigger ALS/FTD. However, given people have an estimated 1 million short tandem

Proteomics Lays Groundwork for FTD Biomarkers

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-09 Research News Scientists are urgently seeking fluid biomarkers for frontotemporal dementia, the most common dementing illness among 40- and 50-year-olds. Two large collaborations studying genetic FTD cohorts have now cracked open the door. In one, scienti

Expunging Microglial Lipid Droplets Boosts Phagocytosis

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-07 Research News In Alzheimer’s disease, microglia pack on fat, which impairs phagocytosis. Now, scientists led by Christiane Ruedl of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, report that blocking lipid buildup in these cells restores their capacity to e

Single-Molecule Imaging Spies Protein Aggregates in Synapses

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-07 Research News Synaptic dysfunction heralds cognitive and behavioral decline in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Oligomers of Aβ, tau, and ɑ-synuclein may be to blame, but their minuscule size makes them difficult

From the Meninges, Regulatory T Cells Keep Brain Inflammation in Check

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-05 Research News Stationed within the meninges, squads of immune cells lie in wait, ready to unleash an inflammatory assault within the brain if needed. Holding these trigger-happy troops back during peacetime falls to a sparse population of regulatory T cel

ApoE3 Christchurch Clings Tightly to Tau, Averting Tangles

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-02-01 Research News The quest continues to solve the curious case of a Colombian woman who dodged AD until much later in life than expected. Aliria Rosa Piedrahita de Villegas carried the Paisa  presenilin-1 mutation and yet stayed free of dementia well into he

Leqembi Maintenance Dosing Approved in the U.S.

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-01-31 Research News The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Eisai and Biogen’s application for IV maintenance dosing of lecanemab on January 27. Previously, the label called for biweekly IV dosing. The new decision allows physicians to consider transitio

C-Terminal Amidation Sends Proteins to the Shredder

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-01-31 Research News Like a well-run city, healthy cells recycle their waste, breaking down and reusing damaged proteins. In the January 29 Nature, scientists led by Jeffrey Bode and Jacob Corn at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, reveal a new f

Cell-Based Assay Matches Tau Strains to Neuropathological Diagnosis

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-01-30 Research News Over the past decade, cryo-electron microscopy has afforded scientists an unprecedented view deep into the core of tau fibrils, revealing shapes that track with different neurodegenerative diseases (Oct 2021 news). While the images are stunn

Blame Mom? Maternal X Chromosome Worsens Memory

RESEARCH NEWS 2025-01-30 Research News The cells of female mammals randomly inactivate one X chromosome to keep gene dosage the same as in males. Does it matter which X becomes inactive? Surprisingly, it does, according to new research from scientists led by Dena Dubal at the Uni

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