BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.909152968936571 0.75188861816564 1.09931059063338-0.98286462941928 0.325674068110837 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1701006_1701001 Effect Metric: 0.864210608972445 Lower CI: 0.67653156194867 Upper CI: 1.10395437355396 LN Effect Me
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.735892578279753 0.61696408414675 0.877746210326262-3.40984262790331 0.0006500037458177799 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1697501_1697496 Effect Metric: 0.693095653265163 Lower CI: 0.528500798529625 Upper CI: 0.908951482971384 LN Ef
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.845183221419489 0.770296993513051 0.927349689515465-3.55334335571479 0.000380367650559261 0.90718193124733 0.0402798772807433 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1700766_1700781 Effect Metric: 1.2554908831091 Lower CI: 1.10602658210984 U
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 1.09992491271264 0.909661026210839 1.32998422351394 0.98286462941928 0.325674068110837 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1701001_1701006 Effect Metric: 1.15712534608781 Lower CI: 0.905834538053147 Upper CI: 1.47812763844989 LN Effect Me
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.821624729570073 0.7302683876363401 0.92440972068651-3.26691914526732 0.00108724727929635 0.8152774899194219 0.0444238115802313 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1700776_1700781 Effect Metric: 0.984228751771658 Lower CI: 0.7819504475055
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.864013366176466 0.583499725500402 1.27938208761175-0.729808496784015 0.465507250047436 0.759447076813464 0.111618450239752 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1700836_1700831 Effect Metric: 1.3269880972113 Lower CI: 0.96990802787016 Uppe
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 1.34025893795542 0.990255537464086 1.81397018528114 1.89655035166406 0.0578873085315796 0.36402090743491 0.0262587020502808 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1701761_1701756 Effect Metric: 1.18147798589823 Lower CI: 0.825300412712638 Upp
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.594082219112101 0.539000819473563 0.65479247955479-10.4894161745358 9.66235738875016E-26 0.18192562198113 0.00229811224313395 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1700956_1700941 Effect Metric: 0.670298074601471 Lower CI: 0.47165825703564
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.665551864466371 0.597318073842771 0.741580246257977-7.37728343076779 1.61551854369019E-13 0.388833529607636 0.00584828757593017 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1697526_1697496 Effect Metric: 0.61389244615362 Lower CI: 0.5212615362808
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.757502038709004 0.670915117388332 0.855263689514052-4.48445201414176 7.31015539509934E-6 0.836607372767001 0.0371251650594997 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1700771_1700781 Effect Metric: 1.21448656866055 Lower CI: 0.956289757720367
BIOMARKER META ANALYSIS 0.6932966980602649 0.630580860279948 0.762250080549345-7.5717651157345 3.68186743447416E-14 Biomarker Comparison Reference: Biom Comparison: 1697531_1697496 Effect Metric: 0.702995985826875 Lower CI: 0.607491511847202 Upper CI: 0.813514833459933 LN Ef
ALZANTIBODIES In initial testing on western blots, antibody 26C11 reacted with murine ApoE endogenously expressed by the BV2 microglial cell line. The antibody also stained ApoE associated with amyloid plaques in the brains of APPPS1 mice. Antibody 26C11 recognizes mou
ALZANTIBODIES Monoclonal antibody 1F1 reacts with mouse CLEC7A. In initial testing, the antibody was shown to work as a detection reagent in western blots. Monoclonal antibody 1F1 recognizes murine CLEC7A. A) CLEC7A overexpressed in HEK293 cells. Western blot of lysate
ALZANTIBODIES Monoclonal antibody 3C4 reacts with mouse ABI3. In initial testing, the antibody was shown to work as a detection reagent for western blotting. Antibody 3C4 recognizes murine ABI3 overexpressed in HEK293 cells. Western blot of lysate of HEK cells transf
ALZANTIBODIES Monoclonal antibody 6F7 reacts with mouse ABI3. In initial testing, the antibody was shown to work as a detection reagent in western blot and as a capture antibody for immunoprecipitation. Antibody 6F7 recognizes murine ABI3 overexpressed in HEK293 cells.