339215 RESULTS

Is It to Be Red or White with Your Christmas Turkey?

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-12-19 Research News Just in time to ponder this weighty question comes a short communication in tomorrow's Nature. Martin Carrier and colleagues at the William Harvey Research Institute in London report that polyphenols in red wines potently inhibit expres

Running the ApoE Marathon…

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-12-14 Research News See also live discussion on this topic. The Science Fiction channel occasionally runs a marathon of "Twilight Zone:" Back-to-back episodes all day long, each one related to the other through novel scripts with interesting ideas tha

Link Between Education Level and AD Risk Strengthened

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-12-14 Research News A study of the elderly in Sweden provides more evidence that people with a higher level of education are less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. The article, by Chengxuan Qui and collegues at the Karolin

The Role of ApoE in Alzheimer's Disease: An Alternative View

WEBINAR 2001-12-11 Keith Crutcher led this live discussion on 11 December 2001. Readers are invited to submit additional comments by using our Comments form at the bottom of the page. Transcript: Live discussion held on 11 December 2001. Participants: Keith Crutcher, Nico S

Center for Neurogenerative Disease Research Retreat 2001

CONFERENCE COVERAGE SERIES CNDR 2nd Annual Retreat: Welcome and Introduction CNDR 2nd Annual Retreat: Amyloid-binding Ligands as AD Therapies CNDR 2nd Annual Retreat: Gonadal Hormones Control β-Amyloid in Vivo CNDR 2nd Annual Retreat: Metal Complexing Agents as Therapies for AD CND

Now You See Them... Now You Don't!

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-12-07 Research News The discovery of newly born neurons in the adult primate neocortex caused a great stir two years ago, opening, as it seemed, one of the most promising avenues of research into replacing neurons destroyed by neurodegenerative disease. Writing

CNDR 2nd Annual Retreat: Metal Complexing Agents as Therapies for AD

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2001-12-07 Conference Coverage According to Ashley Bush of Harvard Medical School, Aβ is rapidly precipitated by Zn2+ at low physiological concentrations, and Cu2+ and Fe3+ also induce Aβ aggregation. Zn/Cu-selective chelators markedly enhance the solubilization of

Advances in Stem Cell Transplantation...

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-12-07 Research News The therapeutic potential of human stem cells seems a little more realistic, thanks to results published in this month's Nature Biotechnology. Two groups have succeeded in transplanting human neural progenitors into neonatal mice. From

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