. Neuropathological stageing of Alzheimer-related changes. Acta Neuropathol. 1991;82(4):239-59. PubMed.


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This paper appears in the following:


  1. Proteopathic Seeds and Neurodegenerative Diseases
  2. New Neuropathologic Guidelines for AD Almost Ready for Primetime
  3. Draft Guidelines Spark Discussion, Highlight Unknowns in Field
  4. Scan by Scan, Growing Tau PET Data Picks Up Early Memory Deficits
  5. New Imaging Data Tells Story of Travelling Tau
  6. Deadly Delivery: Microglia May Traffic Tau Via Exosomes
  7. Tau PET Aligns Spread of Pathology with Alzheimer’s Staging
  8. Brain Trauma Linked to Parkinson’s, Not Alzheimer’s
  9. Brain Imaging Suggests Aβ Unleashes the Deadly Side of Tau
  10. Aggregation-Prone Gene Expression Signature Mapped in Brain
  11. Tau PET in Down’s: Unique Patterns Among Alzheimer’s Types and Stages
  12. Led Astray: Pathology Tied to “Grid Cell” Malfunction in Tauopathy Model
  13. Analysis of PET Scans Suggests Link Between Amyloid and Tau
  14. Longitudinal Data Say: Nope, CSF Markers Do Not Track Progression
  15. Move Over, Flortaucipir? New Tau Tracers Tested in People
  16. New PET Staging Scheme for Amyloid?
  17. Connectivity, Not Proximity, Predicts Tau Spread
  18. Tau: Why Alzheimer’s Worsens Fast in Some, Slowly in Others
  19. Does Astrocyte Tau Cause Dementia?
  20. Forget Typical Alzheimer's: AI Finds Four Types.
  21. Tau-PET Imaging Brings Braak Staging to Life
  22. Abnormal Tau Slips into Synapses Long Before Tangles Form
  23. More Evidence that Locus Coeruleus Demise Precedes Cortical Tangles


  1. PSEN2 N141I (Volga)


  1. Together at Last, Top Five Biomarkers Model Stages of AD

Research Timeline Event

  1. Braak staging of AD neuropathology defined