Philadelphia: All Eyes on PIB Imaging—Is It Coming Along? Philadelphia: All Is Not Well with the Statin Story Philadelphia: Can a Shrinking Brain Be Good for You? Philadelphia: Dementia Types Just Won’t Fit into Little Boxes Philadelphia: Diagnosis Light—
A study published yesterday in the online Annals of Neurology provides a glimpse at the complexity involved in the time- and cell-specific neurodegeneration of Huntington's disease...
Since the human genome sequence was published, the search for single nucleotide polymorphisms that contribute to disease has ramped up. But what about copy number polymorphisms?...
In this week’s Nature, researchers report that cramming, as in the activity of the protease inhibitor crammer, may play a key role in <em>Drosophila</em> long-term memory...
Two articles in the July 8 issue of Neuron may provide a leap forward in understanding how mutations in copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) lead to...