Merck Withdraws Vioxx®
Pharmaceutical giant Merck announced today that it was withdrawing rofecoxib, a pain and antiinflammatory drug, from worldwide markets...
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Pharmaceutical giant Merck announced today that it was withdrawing rofecoxib, a pain and antiinflammatory drug, from worldwide markets...
PPARγ has received a lot of attention from neuroscientists lately. Now, ablation of one of its partners, PGC-1α, has been found to cause...
Some NSAIDs have been shown to shift Aβ production to the shorter Aβ1-38. Now, results suggest that they do this by eliciting a conformational change in presenilin...
Researchers demonstrate the power of combining cDNA and yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screens in pursuit of protein accomplices of disease-suspect molecules, in this case...
Paul Coleman, as editor-in-chief of Neurobiology of Aging, has initiated a policy of accepting negative results for publication...
How are protofibrils toxic? An accelerated publication suggests that they permeabilize and increase the flux of ions across lipid bilayers...
Amyloids are composed of long polymeric fibrils that stick together like glue. But how are the fibers formed?...
In the September 16 issue of Nature, another legion of geneticists, this one led by Jeremy Schmutz of the Stanford Human Genome Centre in California, pulls the curtain back on a chromosome: number 5...
Two papers from the past week take aim at the β-sheet structure of proteins prone to pathological aggregation...
Mitochondria are a major source of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) that may play a role in neurodegeneration. Now evidence suggests that ROS generated in the endoplasmic reticulum may also lead to cell death...
…X11, that is, a nuclear adaptor protein that binds to the intracellular domain of amyloid-β precursor protein (AβPP)...
A study in the September issue of Molecular Therapy reports that the developmental regulatory factors Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Gli-1, but not Nurr-1, can protect dopaminergic neurons...
Organism-level experimental data now lend some support to the epidemiologic evidence that the fatty acids in fish oil can protect against Alzheimer disease...
A new study suggests that neurotransmitters from astrocytes can induce synchronous electrical currents in hippocampal neurons…
An article in PNAS reports evidence of increased neurogenesis in an animal model of Alzheimer disease that supports results obtained from humans...
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