Hiroshi Mori on Transferrin C2, metal binding and Alzheimer's disease.
COMMENT As the association between TFC2 and AD is significant, metal-related metabolic abnormality is an interesting factor. 0 mori
COMMENT As the association between TFC2 and AD is significant, metal-related metabolic abnormality is an interesting factor. 0 mori
COMMENT D-amino acyl analogue peptide acid (PPI-433) may be able to be a therapeutic reagent. Such a trial is useful and welcome. 0 mori
COMMENT This is an interesting paper, because it illustrates that you can have clinical dementia of the Alzheimer disease type, without neuritic plaques. It would be interesting to see if these patients have high levels of intracellular amyloid. 0 nikos.robakis
COMMENT The role of the COX genes may be quite important in AD, not only from the point of view of an inflammatory cascade, but also in relation to synaptic activation. It would be of interest to determine whether the signal was neuronal, glial or both. Additiona
COMMENT Potential therapeutic target in AD. 0 bwolozin
COMMENT Another bit of the puzzle that adds experimental analysis of a potential interaction- a neccessary consideration in view of the large number of potential interactions of APO E and in the AD brain. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT No quantitative data in the abstract to allow any reasonable comment. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT Potential source for amyloid binding at the cellular level. 0 rpm2
COMMENT If this work can be replicated it would provide an interesting insight into a mechanism of action of deprenyl. 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT Association of upregulated C1q with amyloid plaque in Tg mice is worth emphasizing because it has been established to be in AD patient. Thus immunoresponse such as complement must play an important role in amyloid burden. 0 mori
COMMENT No significant difference in the expression of the alpha 3 mRNA, either qualitative or quantitative, was found between Alzheimer's individuals and controls in any of the analysed areas 0 Paul_Coleman
COMMENT Another way to tell aging from pathology (ad and other neurodegenerative conditions?) 0 edkoo
COMMENT On the basis of the abstract of this article it appears the authors assume that inclusions of ubiquitinated proteins is harmful rather than innocent by-products or attempts of the cell to deal with pathological processes. The assumption that seem to be ma
COMMENT Even for Huntington's disease, it's a "use-it-or-lose-it" situation. 0 edkoo
COMMENT Anti-inflammatory drugs beside anti-oxicidant or steroid reagents are interesting because they are potent drugs to cure AD patients. This comes from clinical demand and from drug developer. The basic studies is requested to do more. 0 mori