David Holtzman on More Evidence for Dynamic PolyQ Aggregates

COMMENT Two new papers demonstrate several interesting findings that demonstrate that components of aggregated, polyglutamine-containing inclusions seen in certain neurodegenerative diseases are highly dynamic. Stenoien, et al., used fluorescence recovery after p

Leon Thal on Trials and Tribulations: Does ADAPT Have to Adapt?

COMMENT The addition of a third arm with ibuprofen is a consideration. It would be logistically difficult but possible to do. The real question is does ibuprofen make any more sense than naproxen since tolerated doses over five years may well be too low to block

Paul Aisen on Trials and Tribulations: Does ADAPT Have to Adapt?

COMMENT I have read the letter and was quite distressed by it. I am not involved in the ADAPT, though I have had a number of discussions with John Breitner about it, and have shared data from the ADCS NSAID study with the ADAPT investigators. Also, I was involved

Edward Koo on Trials and Tribulations: Does ADAPT Have to Adapt?

COMMENT Many of Sidney Wolfe's accusations of ADAPT are unfounded although I appreciate their caution that giving these drugs to elderly individuals can be potentially dangerous. I will focus only on those aspects that concern our work as I think our results

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