Dora M. Kovacs on BACE Goes Rafting after APP

COMMENT Increasing evidence from biochemical, epidemiological, and genetic studies links cholesterol levels to Aβ production and the onset of AD pathology. Total cellular cholesterol can regulate Aβ generation, as evidenced by decreased Aβ levels in cells treated

Li-Huei Tsai on Tau Kinase Mediates Stroke Damage

COMMENT In this study, YM Lu and colleagues have unambiguously demonstrated the significance of S1232 phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor subunit NR2A by the p25/Cdk5 kinase in ischemic-induced CA1 neuronal death. They elegantly show that inhibition of p25/Cdk5

Vincent Marchesi on BACE Goes Rafting after APP

COMMENT I think this issue is worth exploring, but I am concerned that the ability of a GPI-BACE chimera to cleave APP may be too artificial a model to tell us much about how the authentic BACE behaves. GPI-linked peptides would be expected to partition in rafts

Gerard Drewes on BACE Goes Rafting after APP

COMMENT Despite the problems with chemical tractability, β-secretase (BACE) remains one of the most promising targets for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. It has been known for some time that APP, BACE, and γ-secretase (presenilins and associated protei

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