Mary Reid on Copper to the Rescue?

COMMENT Cobbold et al. find that Menkes disease protein is enriched in the plasma membrane in the presence of excess copper, and that trafficking of MNK from the TGN to the plasma membrane is inhibited by Cdc42 and WASP. Cdc42 and N-WASP are increased in AD (Zhu

Steven Brenner on Memantine Wins FDA Approval

COMMENT I am optimistic about the introduction of memantine, and think it is more likely to affect a (if not the) basic trigger factor for onset of the disease. I plan to review results of long-term use of memantine in Germany, where I believe it has been used fo

Inez Vincent on Herpes and AD—Virus Hitches Ride with APP

COMMENT The presence of HSV in brain has been correlated previously with Alzheimer's disease (Itzhaki and Dobson, 2002). The paper by Satpute-Krishnan et al. provides a clue for understanding this relationship in the form of a molecular interaction between H

Claudio Soto on Prion Infection: Is RNA in the Mix, After All?

COMMENT This is a very interesting study that provides some intriguing new possibilities about cellular factors involved in prion conversion. The data are very clear and fit well with some of our own results. These findings are important not only to understand th

Gary Wenk on Memantine Wins FDA Approval

COMMENT In my opinion, the statement in the news release that memantine probably does not affect the underlying mechanisms causing the disease is actually counter to our current beliefs about the role of the NMDA receptor in the degeneration of vulnerable neurons

Mary Reid on Gleevec for Alzheimer's?

COMMENT It seems of interest that Liu and Burridge have found that EGF and PDGF stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav2 with subsequent increased activity of Cdc42 downstream from growth factor receptors. Might we expect decreased activity of Cdc42 following t

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