335859 RESULTS

Ibuprofen Linked to Reduced Alzheimer's Risk

RESEARCH NEWS 1997-03-10 Research News Ibuprofen and related drugs may reduce a person’s risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease by 30 to 60 percent, according to a new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the National Institute on Aging. But the authors strongly caut

New Guidelines Proposed for Alzheimer's Disease Postmortem Diagnosis

COMMUNITY NEWS 1997-02-21 Community News An international group of researchers* have agreed upon recommendations to revise the criteria for postmortem diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The meeting, convened in November 13-14, 1996, at the National Institutes of Health in Beth

ApoE4 Gene May Be Risk Factor in Only a Subset of Cases

RESEARCH NEWS 1997-02-21 Research News A new study reports that the ApoE4 gene, previously reported to be over-represented among patients with late onset Alzheimer's disease, appears to be a risk factor only among patients who developed the disease before age 70. The study e


MUTATIONS PSEN1 73219185_73219186 GRCh38/hg38 GC TG 73685893_73685894 GRCh37/hg19 GC TG Exon 12 Point, Double Coding Increased Aβ42 and decreased Aβ40 production in vitro, resulting in an increased Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. Numerous diffuse plaques and neuritic plaques with

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