Human Amyloid Imaging 2009
Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
24 April 2009
HAI Seattle: Does Brain Amyloid Correlate With Sagging Metabolism?
Alzheimer disease researchers are coming to grips with the possibility that some experimental therapies could be failing because they have been tested in people whose disease is too advanced...
HAI Seattle: Aβ May Disrupt Brain Function in Normal Seniors
Figuring out what high levels of brain amyloid mean for otherwise healthy older people was a prime focus of the Human Amyloid Imaging (HAI) conference...
HAI Seattle: Not Just Amyloid, Not Just PIB
Though PIB has shown great promise as an in-vivo amyloid tracer in brain imaging, it is conceivable the compound does not pick up the full range of pathological Aβ in the brain...
HAI Seattle: Biomarkers Closing in on AD Pathological Sequence?
The earliest pathological underpinnings of Alzheimer disease often precede symptoms by untold numbers of years, presenting researchers with a two-edged sword...