Human Amyloid Imaging 2008
Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
11 April 2008
HAI Chicago: PIB in Healthy People
Many studies using Pittsburgh Compound-B (PIB) have found a fair percentage of normal elderly walking around with heads full of amyloid...
HAI Chicago: Can PIB Predict Cognitive Decline?
One of the big surprises at this year’s Human Amyloid Imaging meeting was the finding that a significant proportion of healthy controls are PIB-positive...
HAI Chicago: PIB and Aβ Show Regional Nuances and Sleep-Wake Rhythm
What is going on in older folks who seem to do fine with amyloid-peppered brains?...
HAI Chicago: Not Just PIB—Other PET Tracers in Clinical Pipeline
The road to reliable preclinical AD biomarkers has proven long and difficult...