Plasma NfL Goes the Distance in Alzheimer’s
In ADNI, blood marker exposes ongoing neurodegeneration across disease stages.
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In ADNI, blood marker exposes ongoing neurodegeneration across disease stages.
An electron microscopy study reveals a jumbled mess of membrane chunks and malfunctioning organelles, bound together by phosphorylated or truncated α-synuclein.
Long recognized in dendrites, scientists now report that substantial synaptic proteome remodeling happens on the axonal side, too.
The locus incertus fine-tunes hippocampus neural activity to control memory formation in stressful situations. Could a new understanding of these circuits shed light on memory loss in Alzheimer’s?
A PLCG2 variant that reduces a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s, frontotemporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies also appears to extend longevity.
Serial amyloid and tau scans in cognitively healthy people indicate that the speed at which a person’s tau accumulates best predicts his or her future cognitive decline.
Aβ deposits make distal neurons vulnerable to insults, including from local Aβ, says imaging study. The combination hastens cognitive decline.
New strains have amyloid, neurodegeneration, and neuroinflammation, all against a background of natural genetic variation.
New evidence suggests the dimers impede clearance of glutamate from synapses, contributing to the hyperexcitability seen early in Alzheimer’s disease.
The phenotype of ApoE4 astrocytes and microglia resembles that of these cells in Alzheimer’s brain. Could defects in lipid metabolism and the extracellular matrix bring on the disease?
In vicinity of plaques, astrocytes and glia change gene expression in concert.
The protein forms cohesive rafts along microtubules, protecting them from digestion and regulating movement of molecular motors.
The organelles express unique sets of proteins depending on their environment. Astrocyte mitochondria process lipids better than those in neurons.
New data strengthen the idea that a healthy locus coeruleus keeps memory sharp into old age.
In induced human microglia, the E4 allele profoundly affected their health and cellular responses, while familial Alzheimer’s mutations had little effect.
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