Massive ALS GWAS Cements Cytoskeletal Link to Disease
Kinesin mutations may disrupt organelle transport, putting motor neurons at risk.
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Kinesin mutations may disrupt organelle transport, putting motor neurons at risk.
No benefit detected in double-blind trial with sham surgical controls.
After Plasma Aβ, Now Plasma P-Tau181 Shows Promise To Block Tau’s Proteopathic Spread, Antibody Must Attack its Mid-Region DIAN and ADNI Data Say Familial and Sporadic AD Converge News From the PET Front: Early Amyloid Networks and Tau Mystery Alzheimer’s
The epitope that a therapeutic tau antibody targets determines whether it prevents seeding in cellular assays, raising questions about first-generation antibody trials.
A comparison of these large data sets shows that while the two forms of Alzheimer’s disease have separate triggers, they follow the same course and are much more similar than different.
At AAT-AD/PD, scientists showed that correlated amyloid patches are an even earlier marker than brain-wide positivity, while others puzzled over why tau signals are lower in older people.
An antagonist to this receptor was trounced in Phase 3 trial.
A widely popularized finding of shrinking dementia rates is entirely due to less vascular dementia, and is in fact concealing a rise in AD and PD, according to a provocative talk at AAT-AD/PD.
A study reported that new neurons continue to sprout from the human hippocampus well into the golden years, while another claims they all but disappear after childhood.
An infrared spectral signature of amyloid β-sheets predicted AD conversion years before diagnosis.
Researchers at AAT-AD/PD discussed investigational PD treatments that aim to modify disease by hitting genetic risk factors.
In animal models, a PD risk gene revs up the immune system to fight infections, while probiotic bacteria slow α-synuclein aggregation.
Massive meta-analysis finds no link with AD or PD.
At AAT-AD/PD, scientists said an α-synuclein PET tracer is headed into trials. And marmosets model PD behaviors better than rodents. (Spoiler alert: They kick their partners while they sleep.)
Thirty-five reviews cover two decades of Alzheimer’s research.
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