MRI Keeps an Eye on Those Transplanted Stem Cells In Vivo
Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the inherent potential to replace or repair almost every tissue in the body. One key to this prowess is the ability to migrate...
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Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the inherent potential to replace or repair almost every tissue in the body. One key to this prowess is the ability to migrate...
Insulin resistance is emerging as a possible risk factor for Alzheimer’s, and data from a pilot trial presented at the 2002 Neuroscience meeting indicate that an insulin-sensitizing drug may represent a novel treatment approach...
Assays of Aβ or tau protein in cerebrospinal fluid can identify Alzheimer's disease in patients with mild cognitive impairment, say the authors of a study in today’s Archives of Neurology...
Two studies indicate that the amyloid deposits found in the hippocampus may come not so much from local cells but arrive via the axons of distant neurons projecting there...
The replacement of dying neurons in Alzheimer’s disease with neural stem cells remains a pie in the sky, but at least researchers now appear to have gotten their hands on the filling...
Aβ immunotherapists are back at the drawing board after inflammatory complications scuttled the first clinical trial...
Preliminary results of the NGF gene therapy clinical trial in early-stage AD illustrate the potential promise—and pitfalls—of gene therapy for neurodegenerative diseases...
Use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) appears to protect some women from Alzheimer's disease, according to a prospective observational study of AD risk factors published in this week's JAMA...
It may not be the Oscars or Nobel prize, but recipients of the second annual Alzheimer Research Forum Awards were warmly applauded at the Society for Neuroscience meeting....
In three posters on Wednesday here at the annual Neuroscience meeting, <strong>William Klein's</strong> laboratory extended their earlier presentation to add new pieces to the puzzle of the amyloid cascade hypothesis...
In a sparsely attended slide presentation yesterday at the Neuroscience meeting, <strong>Inez Vincent</strong> of the University of Washington, Seattle, presented a feat no one seems to have pulled off before...
In the field’s current focus to understand what might go wrong at synapses early on in AD, measuring long-term potentiation has become a widely applied tool...
Today at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, <strong>Lee Goldstein</strong> of Massachusetts General Hospital presented evidence suggesting that the Aβ peptide occurs in the eyes of people with Alzheimer’s disease...
Aβ levels and amyloid plaque load can be reduced significantly in animal models of Alzheimer's disease by interfering—either genetically or pharmacologically—with the immunoregulatory molecule CD40 ligand...
Today at the Society for Neuroscience Conference, <strong>Ross Bland’s</strong> poster about a new rat model for the study of Alzheimer’s disease drew quite a crowd...
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