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Memantine Back On Sidelines In United States

Less than two weeks after announcing that memantine had shown significant benefit in a clinical trial of patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease, Forest Laboratories announced that they have withdrawn their New Drug Application with the FDA...

Light Tricks

A trio of papers introduces new optical tricks for manipulating gene expression and activating fluorescent reporters...

Aβ Mutations—What Do They Tell Us?

Convergent biochemical and genetic evidence indicate that the main component of Alzheimer's plaques, the amyloid β peptide (Aβ), plays an initiating role in a complex cascade that culminates in dementia and ultimately death (1,2).

All in the Family: Alois Alzheimer’s Second Patient Came from Extended Disease Pedigree

During his lifetime, Alois Alzheimer described five cases of the “characteristic sickness of the cerebral cortex” that his boss, the eminent psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin, later would name in honor of his late colleague. Now, neurologists in Alzheimer’s home state of Bavaria are investigating how these early patients’ family members fared. One patient, Johann F., turns out to have belonged to a large clan afflicted with an early-onset, heritable form of the disease. Many descendants still live in Bavaria, some in the U.S.

RNA Interference in Vivo—Viral Vectors Deliver

Viral vectors are an effective means to deliver small interfereing RNAs into target cells and organs in vivo, according to University of Iowa researchers. The authors demonstrated the therapeutic potential of this technique by inhibiting the expression, in neural cell lines, of eGFP chimeras that contained a polyglutamine (polyQ) tract.

Notch Pathway Implicated in Multiple Sclerosis

The Notch signaling pathway is of considerable interest to those studying Alzheimer's disease because the Notch receptor and the amyloid-β precursor protein (AβPP) are proteolytically processed much the same manner. Now the Notch pathway may contribute to the progression of another neurodegenerative disease, multiple sclerosis (MS)....

A Cell-Specific Death Program Claims Motoneurons

A specific apoptosis pathway is being advanced to account for the selective death of motorneurons in ALS. Also mysterious is what causes the selective neuronal death of cholinergic neurons in Alzheimer's and dopaminergic substantia nigra neurons in Parkinson's. Could this study point to new possible explanations?

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