A Biological Definition of Parkinson’s Disease: Two Proposals Pave the Way
With newly available fluid biomarkers that detect α-synuclein pathology in the brain, researchers articulate ways to classify the disease based on its biology.
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With newly available fluid biomarkers that detect α-synuclein pathology in the brain, researchers articulate ways to classify the disease based on its biology.
ApoE2 reported as raising risk for progressive supranuclear palsy, a rare tauopathy.
A Rand report concludes that using blood-based biomarkers and cognitive tests in primary care would halve wait times for new disease-modifying therapies.
The company announced it would halt its post-market trial and stop selling the drug; the rights to it now revert to Swiss company Neurimmune.
Among 1,092 people with PCA, symptoms started around age 60, and 94 percent had amyloid plaques or neurofibrillary tangles.
The α-helical chains of two ApoEs wrap around lipoprotein discs. They circle in opposite directions.
Eight adults who, as children, had received growth hormone from cadavers developed cognitive problems and/or AD-like pathology in midlife.
Risk variant promotes TMEM106b fibrillization; protective variant discourages it.
The patient, an APOE4 homozygote with severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy, developed vascular inflammation and bleeding throughout her brain.
With several thousand people across the U.S. on the drug, wait times are long, and clinics are hiring. How to meet growing demand?
Scientists around the globe are studying how best to deploy Alzheimer's plasma tests in the real world. Their focus: primary care.
ALZpath’s assay detected an annual rise in plasma phospho-tau217 in amyloid-positive people, with the steepest increase in those who also have tangles.
The enzyme cholesterol 24-hydroxylase protected against cognitive decline and tau pathology—but only in females.
The software could improve prognosis, speed referrals, for people with MCI, the developer claims.
When LOAD2 mice, which carry Alzheimer’s risk variants, eat a fatty diet, their proteomes change, their neurons die, and their memories fail. All sans amyloid plaques.
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