Christine A.F. von Arnim on Par-4—Not a Long Shot to BACE

COMMENT Factors that influence BACE activity are receiving increasing attention as it becomes clear that, compared to γ-secretase inhibition, BACE inhibition may be accomplished with relatively few side effects. In this paper, Jun Xie and Qing Guo expand on previ

Benjamin Wolozin on Statins and AD—What Role Isoprenoids?

COMMENT The paper by Cole and colleagues is a very elegant manuscript because it provides important new insights into how statins might affect APP processing. The observation that inhibition of isoprenoid metabolism increases intracellular Aβ accumulation is surp

Paul Coleman on Biomarkers of Alzheimer disease in plasma.

COMMENT Are we looking under the lamp post? Blood is a complex system with many components. Although it is likely correct that plasma proteomics may provide a biomarker, will it be optimal and what new information may it reveal about the fundamental biology of AD

Thomas Bayer on Statins and AD—What Role Isoprenoids?

COMMENT This paper is most remarkable. The authors show that statin treatment, which has long been thought to be beneficial for Alzheimer disease patients, has two independent and diverging effects on APP processing. In a novel in-vitro system, the authors have b

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