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Mutations in human prion-like domains: pathogenic but not always amyloidogenic.
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Studying Microtubule Dynamics in Human Neurons: Two-Dimensional Microtubule Tracing and Kymographs in iPSC- and SH-SY5Y-Derived Neurons for Tau Research.
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Cultivation, Differentiation, and Lentiviral Transduction of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (hiPSC)-Derived Glutamatergic Neurons for Studying Human Tau.
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Identification of Tau Toxicity Modifiers in the Drosophila Eye.
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Super-Resolution Imaging of Tau Proteins in Isolated and Immobilized Brain Synaptosomes.
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Western Blot of Tau Protein from Mouse Brains Extracts: How to Avoid Signal Artifacts.
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