PAPER Sepulveda J, Kim JY, Binder J, Vicini S, Rebeck GW
PAPER Liu Y, Cheng Y, Wen Y, Li C, Chen G, Li M
A case report of youth-onset lipoprotein glomerulopathy with APOE Chicago mutation.
BMC Nephrol. 2024 Mar 6;25(1):87. PubMed.Ahmadreza Attarpour
University of Toronto, Canada
Lisa Vermunt, Dea Gogishvili, Charlotte Teunissen on Neuroprotective Extracellular Matrix Seen in C9ORF72 ALS/FTD Models
COMMENT We have read the study from Milioto et al. with much interest, because last year we published a clinical study in which we made a similar observation (Gogishvili et al., 2023), namely that while TGF-β1 was increased in dementia compared to controls, it wa
HIV Drug Safe in Alzheimer’s Pilot Trial, Nudged Biomarkers
RESEARCH NEWS 2024-03-12 Research News Almost half of a person's DNA consists of retrotransposons, remnants of ancient viral infections that have jumped around the human genome. Retrotransposons are typically kept under wraps by epigenetics, but tau can unleash those restrai
Charles Zollinger
United States
PAPER Ramirez P, Sun W, KazempourDehkordi S, Zare H, Fongang B, Bieniek KF, Frost B
Nanopore-based DNA long-read sequencing analysis of the aged human brain
bioRxiv2024.02.01.578450 .PAPER Campbell Sullivan A, Zuniga G, Ramirez P, Fernandez R, Wang C-P, Li J, Davila L, Pelton K, Gomez S, Sohn C, Gonzalez E, Lopez-Cruzan M, Gonzalez DA, Parker A, Zilli E, deErausquin GA, Seshadri S, Espinoza S, Musi N, Frost B
A pilot study to investigate the safety and feasibility of antiretroviral therapy for Alzheimer disease (ART-AD)
medRxiv2024.02.26.24303316 .Taylor Pedersen
Washington University in St. LouisUnited States
Isabel Gonzalez
Drug Discovery & Development ConsultantsUnited Kingdom
Bill Sweaney
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