348441 RESULTS

Rajiv Ratan on Is It the Curry?

COMMENT I liked the paper very much. It is generally well done and suggests an easy intervention that could reduce AD onset or progression without significant toxicity. Among the questions it raises are: 1.) How does the concentration of curcumin that is effectiv

Is It the Curry?

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-11-01 Research News In India, the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease among 70- to 79-year-olds is 4.4-fold less than that of the United States. Could they have one of the curry spices to thank for that? So suggest Greg Cole, Giselle Lim, and colleagues at t

Understanding the Role of Estrogen in Cerebral Blood Flow

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-11-01 Research News Estrogen influences a seemingly endless list of physiological processes, among them blood circulation. Indeed, enhanced blood flow to critical areas of the brain is one candidate hypothesis for why estrogen replacement therapy appears to pro

Shining Light on Proteins Touching

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-10-31 Research News A better understanding of precisely how AβPP is processed to generate the Aβ peptide and other, poorly understood proteolytic products has become a priority in Alzheimer's research. In the November 1 Journal of Neuroscience, Ayae Kinosh

Why Do Only Some Neurons Die in Parkinson's?

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-10-31 Research News In Parkinson's disease, as in Alzheimer's, it remains unclear why only a subset of neurons is affected. A report in tomorrow's Journal of Neuroscience now suggests that, in PD, the reason for that specificity may lie in immune

α-Synuclein Aggregation Prevented by β-Homolog

RESEARCH NEWS 2001-10-30 Research News α-synuclein is one of the major proteins found in Lewy bodies (LBs), the cytoplasmic inclusions that pepper the neurons of patients suffering from one of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and d

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