347685 RESULTS

What FTDP-17 Mutations Do

RESEARCH NEWS 1998-12-04 Research News A new study elucidates the molecular mechanisms that may explain how mutations of the tau gene give rise to frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism (FTDP-17), an inherited disorder that is similar to Alzheimer's disease. In this week&#

Genome-wide Gene Screening Goes Live

RESEARCH NEWS 1998-12-01 Research News (From Nature Biotechnology Press Release.) Current estimates predict that genome sequencing efforts may reveal between 3,000 and 10,000 new targets for drugs. In the December issue of Nature Biotechnology, Paul Negulescu and colleagues descr

News Coverage of the 4th Hungarian Conference on AD:

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 1998-12-01 Conference Coverage Introduction: This annual meeting had significant international participation with 14 different countries being represented and, whilst comprehensive, the meeting focused on the cholinergic system, therapeutics and new findings. The op

1998 Society for Neuroscience Meeting: Lesion Lops Aβ Deposition

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 1998-11-11 Conference Coverage The Athena Neuroscience PDAPP transgenic mice develop heavy Aβ deposits, particularly in the outer molecular layer (OML) of the dentate gyrus, a region that receives nerve projections from the entorhinal cortex. Theorizing that neurona

1998 Society for Neuroscience Meeting: Alois Award Winners

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 1998-11-11 Conference Coverage The organizers of this year's special interest social on Alzheimer's disease decided to stage an awards ceremony to salute scientists who had distinguished themselves in various categories not ordinarily recognized by the com

1998 Society for Neuroscience Meeting: Untangling Tau Phosphorylation

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 1998-11-10 Conference Coverage Aβ peptide has dominated center stage in AD research, but the discovery last year of a tau mutation that causes a familial non-AD dementia has reawakened broader interest in tau. In Alzheimer’s disease, tau aggregates into pathological

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