PAPER Checler F, Vincent B
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Traffic at the intersection of neurotrophic factor signaling and neurodegeneration.
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Folate and homocysteine metabolism in neural plasticity and neurodegenerative disorders.
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Presymptomatic compensation in Parkinson's disease is not dopamine-mediated.
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The metallobiology of Alzheimer's disease.
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Cation-chloride co-transporters in neuronal communication, development and trauma.
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A new wrestler in the battle between alpha- and beta-secretases for cleavage of APP.
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Neuromelanin of the substantia nigra: a neuronal black hole with protective and toxic characteristics.
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Deconstructing the axon: Wallerian degeneration and the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
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Living with the enemy: a physiological role for the beta-amyloid peptide.
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Excitotoxic and oxidative cross-talk between motor neurons and glia in ALS pathogenesis.
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