PAPER Klyucherev TO, Olszewski P, Shalimova AA, Chubarev VN, Tarasov VV, Attwood MM, Syvänen S, Schiöth HB
270364 RESULTS
PAPER Rodriguez-Porcel F, Wyman-Chick KA, Abdelnour Ruiz C, Toledo JB, Ferreira D, Urwyler P, Weil RS, Kane J, Pilotto A, Rongve A, Boeve B, Taylor JP, McKeith I, Aarsland D, Lewis SJ, Lewy Body Dementias Clinical Trials Workgroup from the Lewy Body Dementias Professional Interest Area - Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART)+
Clinical outcome measures in dementia with Lewy bodies trials: critique and recommendations.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 May 2;11(1):24. PubMed. Correction.PAPER Morrone CD, Lai AY, Bishay J, Hill ME, McLaurin J
Parvalbumin neuroplasticity compensates for somatostatin impairment, maintaining cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 May 3;11(1):26. PubMed.PAPER Chen D, Lan G, Li R, Mei Y, Shui X, Gu X, Wang L, Zhang T, Gan CL, Xia Y, Hu L, Tian Y, Zhang M, Lee TH
Melatonin ameliorates tau-related pathology via the miR-504-3p and CDK5 axis in Alzheimer's disease.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 May 9;11(1):27. PubMed.PAPER Younas N, Fernandez Flores LC, Hopfner F, Höglinger GU, Zerr I
A new paradigm for diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases: peripheral exosomes of brain origin.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 May 9;11(1):28. PubMed.PAPER Rodriguez-Porcel F, Wyman-Chick KA, Abdelnour Ruiz C, Toledo JB, Ferreira D, Urwyler P, Weil RS, Kane J, Pilotto A, Rongve A, Boeve B, Taylor JP, McKeith I, Aarsland D, Lewis SJ, Lewy Body Dementias Clinical Trials Workgroup from the Lewy Body Dementias Professional Interest Area - Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART)+
Correction: Clinical outcome measures in dementia with Lewy bodies trials: critique and recommendations.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 May 17;11(1):29. PubMed.PAPER Rostagno A, Cabrera E, Lashley T, Ghiso J
N-terminally truncated Aβ4-x proteoforms and their relevance for Alzheimer's pathophysiology.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Jun 1;11(1):30. PubMed.PAPER Zeng K, Yu X, Mahaman YA, Wang JZ, Liu R, Li Y, Wang X
Defective mitophagy and the etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Jun 3;11(1):32. PubMed.PAPER Khalaf K, Tornese P, Cocco A, Albanese A
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid: a potential therapeutic tool in neurodegenerative diseases.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Jun 4;11(1):33. PubMed.PAPER Niu H, Shen L, Li T, Ren C, Ding S, Wang L, Zhang Z, Liu X, Zhang Q, Geng D, Wu X, Li H
Retraction Note: Alpha-synuclein overexpression in the olfactory bulb initiates prodromal symptoms and pathology of Parkinson's disease.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Jun 29;11(1):35. PubMed. Retracted Paper.PAPER Vermilyea SC, Christensen A, Meints J, Singh B, Martell-Martínez H, Karim MR, Lee MK
Loss of tau expression attenuates neurodegeneration associated with α-synucleinopathy.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Jul 1;11(1):34. PubMed.PAPER Olesen MA, Villavicencio-Tejo F, Quintanilla RA
The use of fibroblasts as a valuable strategy for studying mitochondrial impairment in neurological disorders.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Jul 4;11(1):36. PubMed.PAPER Bongianni M, Catalan M, Perra D, Fontana E, Janes F, Bertolotti C, Sacchetto L, Capaldi S, Tagliapietra M, Polverino P, Tommasini V, Bellavita G, Kachoie EA, Baruca R, Bernardini A, Valente M, Fiorini M, Bronzato E, Tamburin S, Bertolasi L, Brozzetti L, Cecchini MP, Gigli G, Monaco S, Manganotti P, Zanusso G
Olfactory swab sampling optimization for α-synuclein aggregate detection in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Jul 28;11(1):37. PubMed. Correction.PAPER Bongianni M, Catalan M, Perra D, Fontana E, Janes F, Bertolotti C, Sacchetto L, Capaldi S, Tagliapietra M, Polverino P, Tommasini V, Bellavita G, Kachoie EA, Baruca R, Bernardini A, Valente M, Fiorini M, Bronzato E, Tamburin S, Bertolasi L, Brozzetti L, Cecchini MP, Gigli G, Monaco S, Manganotti P, Zanusso G
Correction: Olfactory swab sampling optimization for α-synuclein aggregate detection in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Aug 12;11(1):38. PubMed.PAPER Zhang Y, Gao X, Bai X, Yao S, Chang YZ, Gao G
The emerging role of furin in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases.
Transl Neurodegener. 2022 Aug 23;11(1):39. PubMed.Current Filters
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