PAPER Huse JT, Doms RW
270470 RESULTS
PAPER Daugherty BL, Green SA
Endosomal sorting of amyloid precursor protein-P-selectin chimeras influences secretase processing.
Traffic. 2001 Dec;2(12):908-16. PubMed.PAPER Koo EH
The beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and Alzheimer's disease: does the tail wag the dog?
Traffic. 2002 Nov;3(11):763-70. PubMed.PAPER Schmitz A, Schneider A, Kummer MP, Herzog V
Endoplasmic reticulum-localized amyloid beta-peptide is degraded in the cytosol by two distinct degradation pathways.
Traffic. 2004 Feb;5(2):89-101. PubMed.PAPER Gilch S, Nunziante M, Ertmer A, Wopfner F, Laszlo L, Schätzl HM
Recognition of lumenal prion protein aggregates by post-ER quality control mechanisms is mediated by the preoctarepeat region of PrP.
Traffic. 2004 Apr;5(4):300-13. PubMed.PAPER Shiba T, Kametaka S, Kawasaki M, Shibata M, Waguri S, Uchiyama Y, Wakatsuki S
Insights into the phosphoregulation of beta-secretase sorting signal by the VHS domain of GGA1.
Traffic. 2004 Jun;5(6):437-48. PubMed.PAPER Paraoan L, Ratnayaka A, Spiller DG, Hiscott P, White MR, Grierson I
Unexpected intracellular localization of the AMD-associated cystatin C variant.
Traffic. 2004 Nov;5(11):884-95. PubMed.PAPER Février B, Vilette D, Laude H, Raposo G
Exosomes: a bubble ride for prions?
Traffic. 2005 Jan;6(1):10-7. PubMed.PAPER Berger AC, Hanson PK, Wylie Nichols J, Corbett AH
A yeast model system for functional analysis of the Niemann-Pick type C protein 1 homolog, Ncr1p.
Traffic. 2005 Oct;6(10):907-17. PubMed.PAPER Réchards M, Xia W, Oorschot V, van Dijk S, Annaert W, Selkoe DJ, Klumperman J
Presenilin-1-mediated retention of APP derivatives in early biosynthetic compartments.
Traffic. 2006 Mar;7(3):354-64. PubMed.PAPER Kaether C, Schmitt S, Willem M, Haass C
Amyloid precursor protein and Notch intracellular domains are generated after transport of their precursors to the cell surface.
Traffic. 2006 Apr;7(4):408-15. PubMed.PAPER Goldsbury C, Mocanu MM, Thies E, Kaether C, Haass C, Keller P, Biernat J, Mandelkow E, Mandelkow EM
Inhibition of APP trafficking by tau protein does not increase the generation of amyloid-beta peptides.
Traffic. 2006 Jul;7(7):873-88. PubMed.PAPER Icking A, Amaddii M, Ruonala M, Höning S, Tikkanen R
Polarized transport of Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein is mediated by adaptor protein complex AP1-1B.
Traffic. 2007 Mar;8(3):285-96. PubMed.PAPER Harel A, Wu F, Mattson MP, Morris CM, Yao PJ
Evidence for CALM in directing VAMP2 trafficking.
Traffic. 2008 Mar;9(3):417-29. PubMed.PAPER Kuerschner L, Moessinger C, Thiele C
Imaging of lipid biosynthesis: how a neutral lipid enters lipid droplets.
Traffic. 2008 Mar;9(3):338-52. Epub 2007 Dec 11 PubMed.Current Filters
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