269595 RESULTS

PAPER Bressan E, Reed X, Bansal V, Hutchins E, Cobb MM, Webb MG, Alsop E, Grenn FP, Illarionova A, Savytska S, Violich I, Broeer S, Fernandes N, Sivakumar R, Beilina A, Billingsley K, Berghausen J, Pantazis CB, Meechoovet B, Reiman R, Courtright-Lim A, Logemann A, Antone J, Barch M, Kitchen R, Li Y, Dalgard CL, The American Genome Center, Rizzu PR, Hernandez DG, Hjelm BE, Nalls M, Gibbs JR, Finkbeiner S, Cookson MR, Van Keuren-Jensen K, Craig DW, Singleton AB, Heutink P, Blauwendraat C

The Foundational data initiative for Parkinson’s disease (FOUNDIN-PD): enabling efficient translation from genetic maps to mechanism

BioRxiv, June 3, 2021 . bioRxiv

PAPER Nutma E, Fancy N, Weinert M, Marzin MC, Tsartsalis S, Muirhead RCJ, Falk I, de Bruin J, Hollaus D, Pieterman R, Anink J, Story D, Chandran S, Tang J, Trolese MC, Saito T, Saido TC, Wiltshire K, Beltran-Lobo P, Philips A, Antel J, Healy L, Moore CS, Bendotti C, Aronica E, Radulescu CI, Barnes SJ, Hampton DW, van der Valk P, Jacobson S, Matthews PM, Amor S, Owen DR

Translocator protein is a marker of activated microglia in rodent models but not human neurodegenerative diseases

bioRXiv. 2022 May 11 . bioRxiv

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