SfN: Glial-Neuronal Signaling and AD Pathology
The interplay between glia and Aβ is one aspect of AD pathology that continues to mystify...
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The interplay between glia and Aβ is one aspect of AD pathology that continues to mystify...
A spate of recent studies could not replicate the finding that knocking down the RNA-binding protein PTBP1 in astrocytes triggers their conversion to neurons. Leaky expression of the knockdown construct in endogenous neurons may be to blame.
Cognitively normal people whose PET scans showed both plaques and tangles slid toward MCI or dementia within a few years. This risk was 19 times higher than in people without these deposits.
In wake of Medicare coverage decision, Biogen jettisons aducanumab sales staff but keeps trials going. Eisai/Biogen wrap up accelerated approval application to U.S. regulators.
With its affinity for β-sheets, a probe called Capture Molecule for Amyloid Precipitation, aka CAP-1, pulls α-synuclein and other soluble amyloids out of solution.
Advances in microscopy yield unprecedented views of Aβ plaques in vivo and ex vivo. The vistas offer new insights about how plaques form, grow, and clear.
At CTAD, scientists presented an electronic version of the CDR, plus new digital tests. Will smartphone apps pick up mild cognitive impairment and even preclinical cognitive change?
At AAIC, and a separate BACE symposium, scientists argued the case for resuming evaluation of these drugs in clinical trials.
Even without entering the brain, SARS-CoV-2 jolts the choroid plexus into signaling danger via inflammatory signals. Microglia, astrocytes, and neurons mount a response resembling that in neurodegenerative and chronic brain disorders.
New technology identified a rare population of astrocytes around blood vessels and hundreds of plaque-associated genes.
Finally, blood biomarkers for AD are here. Alas, the path to routine use is fraught. At AAIC, scientists discussed new guidelines, head-to-head comparisons, and logistical, technical, and ethical hurdles ahead.
The I-CONECT trial found that regular video chats boosted cognition in socially isolated older people. Even a weekly phone call enhanced their feelings of social connectedness.
ACI-24 prompted an immune response without serious side effects, according to AC Immune. Researchers are gearing up for other treatment trials in DS.
In a large European study, the scans changed the diagnosis in a third of cases. They boosted the doctor's confidence in making the call, and predicted cognitive decline.
Recent conferences revealed that tau is most toxic in oligomeric form, that tau oligomers propagate throughout the brain, and that tau oligomers might harm synapses from within or via astrocytes.
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