Exposure, Exposure, Exposure? At CTAD, Aducanumab Scientists Make a Case Fluid AD Biomarkers Link P-Tau to Synapses, Inflammation Blood Tests of Phospho-Tau, Aβ42, Track With Brain Amyloid Amyloid Clearance: Check. Cognitive Benefit: Um … Maybe. Picking T
Using mass spectrometry to detect teensy amounts of phospho-tau species in plasma, researchers reported that p-tau-217 and p-tau-181 picked out people with Aβ pathology. Differences between groups appear to be huge. An MS-based test for plasma Aβ42 corresponded to brain amyloid, and is going in for regulatory approval.
Plaque-busting antibodies reset the time course of amyloid accumulation, but so far provide only hints of a clinical benefit in mild AD. Good news: once gone, plaque stays gone for a while.
Apabetalone, an epigenetic drug that tamps down vascular inflammation, slowed cognitive decline in people with MCI. A new statistical analysis of results from AMBAR claimed the plasma-exchange therapy might boost cognition by removing pathogenic proteins from blood.
Besides further broadening the Alzheimer’s therapeutic pipeline, researchers urge a return to Phase 2, using artificial intelligence tools to streamline aspects of trials.
These oily microglia resemble the foamy macrophages seen in atherosclerotic plaques. They correlate with aging, inflammation, and neurodegenerative disease.