In this month's Journal of Medical Genetics, a group of Italian researchers propose that there is a link between longevity and a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter for the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10)...
Philipp Kahle and Bart De Strooper Report from Lake Titisee, Germany: Part I Philipp Kahle and Bart De Strooper Report from Lake Titisee, Germany: Part II Philipp Kahle and Bart De Strooper Report from Lake Titisee, Germany: Part III International Titisee
Almost exactly 100 years after Alois Alzheimer saw his first patient who complained about "having lost herself," <strong>Christian Haass</strong> and <strong>Roger Nitsch</strong> invited a panel of international opinion leaders to gather in the German Black Forest...
In yesterday’s Sciencexpress, researchers described the most complete annotation of human chromosome 7 to date. Capitalizing on the availability of clinical and medical information from a variety of databases...
The drug memantine can benefit patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease, according to a study reported in the April 3 New England Journal of Medicine...
The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) failed to significantly improve cognition in a small pilot trial of patients with Alzheimer's disease, according to a report in the April issue of Neurology...
After well-deserved "thank you’s" to Yves Christen and Jacqueline Mervaillie of the IPSEN Foundation, who organized this conference held on 17 March 2003, Brad Hyman’s introductory remarks reviewed...
A paper in press in the Journal of Biological Chemistry reports that the lipid ceramide may contribute to the formation of amyloid deposits found in Alzheimer's disease patients because it stabilizes BACE...
Transplanted blood progenitor cells can help repopulate a diseased liver, but they do this by fusing with existing liver cells, as opposed to reverting to a more pluripotent stem cell identity...
A large, collaborative group led by Julie Andersen at the Buck Institute for Research in Aging, Novato, California, demonstrates that lowering the bioavailability of iron—both systemically and in dopaminergic neurons—protects mice against chemically induced Parkinson's...
Extending in-vitro evidence that insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) may be involved in the clearance of the Aβ peptide, a report in the 12 March issue of PNAS finds that IDE knockout mice have higher cerebral accumulation of both Aβ and the AβP intracellular domain...
The family of neuregulin-1 growth and differentiation factors is rapidly piquing the interest of researchers in areas ranging from schizophrenia to Alzheimer's disease...