The role of inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease—beyond serious dispute, yet still enigmatic—gained much attention at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, held last week in New Orleans. While immunotherapy labs are retooling their approaches ...
Dopaminergic, serotonergic, and glutamatergic: three CNS neurotransmitter pathways that are distinct. Or are they? A paper in this week's Science reveals that all three pathways eventually lead to...
In this month's Aging Cell, researchers show that the herpes simplex virus (HSV), traveling away from the neuronal cell body along axons, is associated with the amyloid precursor protein (APP)...
After years as a potential but peripheral suspect in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, copper (Cu) is lobbying for a new designation—potential therapy! Two studies in the November 17 PNAS Early Edition suggest that copper can...
In this month's Nature Genetics, two papers reveal that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the binding site for a single protein called Runt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) can lead to either psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis...
More than 50 years ago, U.S. Navy physicians stationed on Guam found a shocking rate of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS—about 50 to 100 times higher than expected. Now, a new paper may revive one of the original ideas: that ingestion of...
The table of evidence regarding inflammatory and even autoimmune processes in Alzheimer's continues to accumulate in a piecemeal fashion, awaiting experimental breakthroughs to give it direction and a greater following. But accumulate it does, and in this article we summarize some of the recent appetizers...
Researchers have identified over 20,000 different interactions among over 7,000 proteins that are coded in the genome of the fruit fly <em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>, allowing them to create extensive and intricate protein-protein contact maps...
Gerard Drewes and colleagues at Cellzome, Heidelberg, Germany, and the University of Kansas at Lawrence, report in the November 1 Journal of Biological Chemistry online the characterization of a tau kinase called MARK 4...
Researchers at Children's Hospital, Boston, report in the November Nature Neuroscience that non-myelinating Schwann cells (NMSC) are essential for a healthy adult peripheral nervous system, and that this interaction is driven in part by neuregulins released from the neuron...
On 20 October, a group of technology transfer officers from various universities, pharmaceutical companies, research service providers, and the NIH met in Boston to wrestle with the complex intellectual property issues surrounding the availability and use of research tools in AD and other biomedical fields...
A paper in last Friday's Science reports that autosomal-dominant Parkinson's disease can be caused not only by α-synuclein mutations, but also by a triplication of a fragment of DNA containing the gene. This result suggests that dosage of α-synuclein...
The meeting of the Memory Disorders Research Society in Chicago, held 9-11 October, opened with a session on two neurodegenerative syndromes: primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and semantic dementia (SD). Each of these syndromes bears some resemblance to the progression of Alzheimer’s disease...