Complement: AD Friend or Foe? New Work Tips Balance to Former
When told what to kill, the complement system deftly deals the final blows...
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When told what to kill, the complement system deftly deals the final blows...
Drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors have shown modest benefits for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's. In the February Annals of Neurology, researchers led by Steven DeKosky challenge the prevailing theory of how these drugs work...
The tiny fruit fly <em>Drosophila</em> has served researchers well to unravel the function of genes linked to neurodegeneration in Parkinson disease...
The Aβ42 peptide may self-aggregate to form fibers with a structure profoundly different from those made of its less pathogenic cousin Aβ40...
The Reuters news agency reported today that Eli Lilly and Co. has notified doctors of a significant increase in the risk for stroke and death that it has observed in demented elderly patients...
The first day of the year is a time for personal reflection...
Last year Deborah Blacker, Rudolph Tanzi and their colleagues reported finding a strong association between a deletion of exon 18 in the gene for α2 macroglobulin (A2M) and Alzheimer's disease...
In conflict with a number of recent studies, six-year data from the Rotterdam study of aging failed to show a link between dietary fat and risk of dementia. The results are reported in today’s Neurology...
Those who can eat as much as they please without gaining avoirdupois may feel smug about a paper in tomorrow’s Science, which reports that mice that lack insulin receptors only in their fat tissue outlive their normal brethren by about 18 percent...
Independent labs report that the cholesterol transporter ABCA1 keeps brain ApoE levels high and saturated with cholesterol, but a third paper casts doubt on the link between the transporter and AD...
Drug cocktails have transformed HIV infection from a deadly to a chronic disease, giving HIV carriers a new lease on life. But new long-term consequences...
Mice live longer and show signs of delayed aging when they express the antioxidant enzyme...
A youth movement promotes awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and elder issues among high school and college students, as well as encourage young people to go into AD research...
A newly discovered lipid modification on the amyloid precursor protein may mark it for amyloidogenic processing...
Known for his contributions to the fundamental understanding of the tau protein, Skip Binder leaves his mark on the Alzheimer's field.
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