Can a Sex Hormone Boost Cognition in Down’s Syndrome?
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone improved memory in a mouse model of DS, and it nudged up test scores in a pilot trial. The key? Dosing in pulses.
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Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone improved memory in a mouse model of DS, and it nudged up test scores in a pilot trial. The key? Dosing in pulses.
While the familial Swedish AD mutation spurred synaptic growth, BACE inhibition, or APP deletion, had the opposite effect.
Activating the microglial receptor also left amyloid untouched, despite prompting microglia to surround plaques.
Phospho-tau and tangles accumulated, microglia bloated with lipids, and the brain atrophied in these mice.
5xFAD mice lacking microglia develop cerebral amyloid angiopathy and amass calcium deposits. Most die by 6 months old.
A transferrin receptor binding domain helps transport the antibody across the blood-brain barrier. In the brain, it roused microglia and boosted glucose metabolism.
Without this mechanosensor, microglia slowly respond to plaques. In mice, a Piezo1 agonist bolstered plaque containment and lowered amyloid burden.
Conformers amplified from CSF of late-stage PD adopt distinct folds and trouble neurons.
A new method reveals distinct synaptic states, some tied to amyloidosis, that were not seen in prior nuclear transcriptomic data.
Excitatory neurons from people who died with Alzheimer’s disease carried more mutations than did neurons from healthy controls. Do such variants contribute to the demise of neurons?
When this retromer faltered in mice, Aβ levels rose in the brain and synaptic signaling waned in the transentorhinal cortex. General retromer loss in hippocampal neurons evoked dystrophic microglia similar to those seen in AD.
In mice, oligomeric Aβ causes these macrophages to produce SPP1. Knocking out this pro-inflammatory cytokine quiets microglia and protects synapses.
Microglia within 10 micrometers of Aβ plaques expressed a disease-associated signature. Astrocytes rubbernecked from a bit farther away.
Live imaging of mouse brain reveals that microglia quickly engulf cell bodies while astrocytes dispose of the neuron’s more distal reaches. The cleanup crew tires with age.
Single-nucleus RNA-Seq of human brain finds regional differences in endothelial cell subtypes. Transcriptomes change in the presence of plaque or vascular amyloid.
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