Exercise May Not Keep People Sharp After All, Meta-Analysis Says
Authors say the evidence that physical activity improves cognition in healthy people is inconclusive. Others disagree.
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Authors say the evidence that physical activity improves cognition in healthy people is inconclusive. Others disagree.
Single-nucleus RNA-Seq of human brain finds regional differences in endothelial cell subtypes. Transcriptomes change in the presence of plaque or vascular amyloid.
Volunteers who practiced daily slow-breathing exercises for a month lowered Aβ42 in their blood; could this diminish the risk of AD?
Antisense oligonucleotides prevent mis-splicing of stathmin-2 when TDP-43 abandons the nucleus in human induced motor neurons or in the mouse brain.
The protein content of extracellular vesicles sampled from hippocampal interstitial fluid depended on age, sex, and amyloid load.
The p-tau217/tau217 ratio in the cerebrospinal fluid tightly correlated with amyloid, while p-tau205/tau205 best detected neurofibrillary tangles and neurodegeneration.
Summoned by microglia, T cells trigger neurodegeneration in a mouse model of tauopathy. Does this happen in Alzheimer’s disease?
The decade-long trial found no benefit for solanezumab in delaying progression, but laid the groundwork for subsequent prevention studies.
These endoplasmic reticulum channels can flood the cytosol with calcium, disrupting lysosomal acidification and stalling autophagy.
Joining the circulatory systems of young mice with old evokes gene-expression changes in the brain that reflect in proteostasis, metabolism, and inflammation.
A new mouse study finds no consistent gamma entrainment, amyloid lowering, or microglial activation in response to 40 hertz light, raising questions about previous findings.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will convene an advisory committee to guide its decision, which will affect how widely available the treatment will be.
Carriers of R145C were more likely to get AD, but only if they co-inherited a copy of ApoE4.
When growing among healthy human neurons, astrocytes that lack progranulin cause TDP-43 to aggregate and muck up neuronal gene splicing.
Shrinkage of distinct brain regions in the frontal and temporal lobes may unsuppress neural activity in the dorsal stream, a region involved in visual perception.