Just Like Viruses, Tau Can Unleash Interferons
By triggering release of mitochondrial DNA, tau fibrils may set off a cytosolic sensor that activates the interferon response. Blocking this sensor spared neurons and memory in mice.
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By triggering release of mitochondrial DNA, tau fibrils may set off a cytosolic sensor that activates the interferon response. Blocking this sensor spared neurons and memory in mice.
At AD/PD, some speakers sought to bolster the argument that amyloid removal slows cognitive decline, while others identified what type of patient is most likely to benefit.
At AD/PD, researchers presented pharmacologic analyses that could help predict antibody effects and select the right dosage to keep plaques at bay.
A new tracer detects α-synuclein aggregates in people with multiple system atrophy. Binding is weak, and undetectable in people with other synucleinopathies.
The new vaccine stalled neurodegeneration and improved learning. An antibody that binds the same epitope had similar effects, and only binds soluble oligomers.
Gantenerumab Prevention Trial in Sporadic Alzheimer's Begins In First for the Field, α-Synuclein PET. Only for Multiple System Atrophy Using Lecanemab Trial Data to Determine Maintenance Dose Scientists Re-Analyze Aduhelm Data, Try to Parse Who Benef
Taking a stab at secondary prevention, the four-year Phase 3 trial will assess the antibody’s ability to slow slippage in 1,200 cognitively healthy, amyloid-positive people.
To find true brain-behavior correlations, a brain-wide association study needs orders of magnitude more people than the dozens typically used in neuroimaging research.
Wagner pioneered γ-secretase modulators to treat Alzheimer’s disease, with a candidate slated to enter Phase 1 trials later this year.
In familial AD, the faster sTREM2 rises in a person's cerebrospinal fluid, the slower his or her amyloid grows, cortex thins, and cognition fades.
Removing cataracts cuts a person's risk of dementia. Cochlear implants stall mild cognitive impairment. Could treating sensory losses hold some dementia cases at bay?
In some people who had weathered COVID at home, olfactory regions in the brain shrank and executive function slowed. Will these changes resolve or persist?
In iPSC-derived cells, H1 risk haplotype is linked to noncoding, antisense variants and to a master regulator of oxidative stress
In two primary tauopathies, natural killer cells invade the brain. In Alzheimer’s, a microglial antiviral response dominates, and hyperexcitability may play a role.
P-Tau217 Clock Predicts Alzheimer’s Progression Over 30 Years At Tau2022: Unknown Functions Emerge for Tau, LRRK2 Tau Triggers Neuroinflammation, But Mechanisms Vary by Disease Tau Haplotypes Hint at Transcriptional Changes, Ferroptosis Since Tau2020 was