Gain or Loss of Function—Time to Shake up Assumptions on γ-Secretase in Alzheimer Disease?
Leuven, Belgium. The goal of this discussion is to explore the implications of two recent papers, which
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Leuven, Belgium. The goal of this discussion is to explore the implications of two recent papers, which
a lively Alzforum discussion when Peter Davies initiated a conversation about a paper from Bart de
We invite you to participate in this "offline" Forum discussion led by Vincent Marchesi of Yale University. Coming from a different research field, Marchesi has in recent years followed the AD literature as closely as have few other outside obse
On Thursday, 24 February 2011, Ruth Itzhaki, University of Manchester, U.K.; Elisa Porcellini, University of Bologna, Italy; Luc Letenneur, INSERM, Bordeaux, France, and Richard Smeyne, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, shared som
We invite you to participate in this Forum Discussion with Yong Shen (Sun Health Research Institute). This discussion will not be hosted via our live discussion software. Instead, we will develop written exchanges between our participants and Yong Shen. T
Alois Alzheimer made a major breakthrough when he discovered senile plaques in the brains of dementia patients, and his work ultimately led to the discovery of amyloid-β and to the amyloid cascade hypothesis. But that cascade is only part of a much bigger
Live discussion and panel of participants scheduled for 7 September 2001. Summary: "Ca2+ deficit" hypothesis Summary: "Natural origin" hypothesis for plaques and tangles The live chat and panel of participants scheduled for 7 Septe
proteopathies. Trends Neurosci. 2006 Aug;29(8):438-43. Abstract Selected Primary Papers on Seeding: Bolmont T,
thanks.. I was just looking at an older Selkoe paper concluding IDE mostly works extracellularly. Gabrielle
die but without forming NFT. (paper under review). Craig Atwood: Inez, for amyloid in Niemann-Pick
Have you been waiting for a quick yet reliable test for early dementia? The AD8 might be your answer. The interview-based screening tool detects early cognitive impairment, has been validated against the clinical dementia rating scale and against neuropsy
yes, Cell Calcium paper from De Smedt's group (see Kasri et al., 2006). Please see detailed
panelists with a remark? Otherwise, we'll go on.... Hardy: COMMENT The Nature paper reported
pre-medline is out! June: I can live with that. Colin Masters: Just review the last hundred papers. Msmith:
gonadotrophin levels under any circumstances. A paper on ovariectomy effects on Ab load in transgenic mice is in
Have a topic idea for a webinar? We would love to hear it. Send an email to webinars [at] alzforum [dot] org.