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Presenilin Loss of Function—Plan B for AD?
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These are comfortable times for the amyloid hypothesis, it would seem. Every week brings more good news about some anti-amyloid intervention having “cured” mice from their “Alzheimer’s.” On the human front, we are eagerly awaiting such therapeutics to show their moxie in the clinic.
The debate has turned away from knowledge gaps in the amyloid hypothesis and toward issues of better trial design, antecedent markers, even prevention, to make the most of those hoped-for therapeutics.
But what if it’s wrong? Right now, all eggs seem to be in the anti-amyloid basket. What if they crack? Will the field be prepared to pull an alternative hypothesis out of its sleeve and push it into drug discovery, presto? In other words, if plan A fails, what ideas for plan B deserve serious attention now while the clinical trials play themselves out? Human trials proceed at a snail’s pace—are we using the intervening time as well as we could to groom a next generation of candidate treatments?
A leading scientific contender for such an alternative hypothesis is the presenilin loss-of-function hypothesis. It holds that problems with presenilin other than Aβ production account for neurodegeneration and dementia. Last year, an aspect of this hypothesis, dealing with the relative quantities of Aβ42 versus Aβ40, bubbled up into a lively Alzforum discussion when Peter Davies initiated a conversation about a paper from Bart de Strooper’s lab. But the origin of this alternative presenilin hypothesis goes back to another nettlesome thinker, Jie Shen, and to the surprising phenotype she observed in neuron-specific, conditional presenilin knockout mice (see 2003 ARF conference story). Now Shen, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, formally presents her hypothesis in a sharply reasoned PNAS Perspectives article, written jointly with Raymond Kelleher of Massachusetts General Hospital. The Alzforum invites the community to consider anew the question of just how presenilin mutations cause AD.
Editor’s Note:—Updated 1 February 2007
By fortuitous timing, Bart de Strooper and Michael Wolfe have written their own analysis of the existing data on presenilin genetics, biochemistry, and AD, and John Hardy prefaces their new perspectives in a “talking point” review series in the February 2007 issue of EMBO reports that went online today. We include these articles here to expand the discussion. The Alzforum editors thank Nature Publishing Group for granting Alzforum readers free access to the full text of these essays until 31 March 2007.
- Hardy J. Putting presenilins centre stage. Introduction to the Talking Point on the role of presenilin mutations in Alzheimer disease EMBO reports 8, 2, 134–135 (2007) Full text
- Wolfe MS (2007) When loss is gain: reduced presenilin proteolytic function leads to increased Aβ42/Aβ40. EMBO reports 8: 136–140 Full text
- De Strooper B (2007) Loss of function presenilin mutations in Alzheimer disease. EMBO reports 8: 141–146 Full text
Editor's Note:—Updated 16 February 2007
Nikolaos K. Robakis |
To reflect the fullness of recent data on this topic, we have arranged permission to give Alzforum readers free access to a paper published last month by Nikolaos Robakis's laboratory. In it, Junichi Shioi and colleagues found no consistent elevation of either Aβ42 production or the Aβ42/40 ratio in eight FAD mutations they analyzed in culture, and they argue that these mutations promote neurodegeneration by a different mechanism. The study injects new data into this discussion. Consider it, and send in your comment. |
Our thanks to the Journal of Neurochemistry for giving us their permission to post the following paper: Shioi J, Georgakopoulos A, Mehta P, Kouchi Z, Litterst CM, Baki L, Robakis NK. FAD mutants unable to increase neurotoxic Abeta 42 suggest that mutation effects on neurodegeneration may be independent of effects on Abeta. J Neurochem. 2007 Jan 24; [Epub ahead of print] See full text |
Editor's Note:—Updated 28 February 2007
Samir Kumar-Singh |
We have arranged permission to give Alzforum readers free access to a paper to be published in Neurodegenerative Diseases by Samir Kumar-Singh. This document reflects an uncorrected pre-print version of the article. Read it, ponder it, and send in your comments. |
Our thanks to Karger and Neurodegenerative Diseases for giving us their permission to post the following paper: Bianca Van Broeck, Christine Van Broeckhoven and Samir Kumar-Singh. Current insights into molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer disease and their implications for therapeutic approaches. Neurodegenerative Diseases. Accepted after revision: December 12, 2006 See full text. See Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 of full text. |
We suggest these questions for discussion:
- What new arguments do these five articles add to the debate?
- What incontrovertible data do they ignore?
- If Aβ lowering disappoints in the clinic, what other angles of presenilin and APP offer targets for therapeutic approaches?
- What evidence is there that presenilin dysfunction is at the root of late-onset AD, not just FAD?
- The goal is not debate itself; it’s truth. Can both the amyloid and the presenilin hypothesis be right? How?
- Presenilin acts outside of γ-secretase. What does this mean for AD?
- In this debate, what’s semantics, what’s real?
- Do these reviews approach a consensus interpretation of the data?
- What are the remaining key differences?
- What's the way forward? What experiments can resolve the issue?
Presenilin is central to AD research, and understanding its role in pathogenesis is of huge importance. You are cordially invited to type your thoughts into the comment box below, or e-mail them to us via our Contact us Form. The Alzforum will post your comments, as well as author replies.
Summary of Shen and Kelleher, 2007
By Gabrielle Strobel
Shen and Kelleher question the link between amyloid deposition, neurodegeneration, and clinical dementia. They argue that the synaptic loss that correlates so well with clinical symptoms may be caused by something other than amyloid alone. They remind us of the stubborn fact that mouse models of APP overexpression generate amyloid but no neurodegeneration. By contrast, mice that lose presenilin function at a young age reproduce AD quite nicely. At first, synaptic plasticity, NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic responses, signaling cascades, and gene expression break down, then memory performance drops off, and soon after tau becomes hyperphosphorylated and neurons begin dying in droves in an environment of gliosis (Saura et al., 2004). These mice have no amyloid, but they model AD more faithfully than do APP transgenics, Shen and Kelleher write. Besides resurrecting the old criticism that amyloid plays a bit part in AD, these data suggest that FAD mutations cause AD primarily by perturbing other aspects of presenilin function that are essential for a healthy brain, yet remain woefully understudied.
Nice idea, you might say, but is there anything to it? After all, a full-bore genetic inactivation of presenilin is not what afflicts people with AD, as some scientists have pointed out. Here are further sets of evidence Shen and Kelleher discuss:
1. FAD Presenilin Mutations Do More Than Upping Aβ42
Presenilin mutations causing AD are known to increase relative Aβ42 levels, and that is frequently cited as evidence for the amyloid hypothesis. But it is a myopic argument in that γ-secretase, the complex intramembrane protease assembled from presenilin and three other proteins, does much else besides generate Aβ. Notch is a physiologically important substrate, in adulthood as well as in development. Many FAD mutations reduce Notch cleavage. How does this affect Notch signaling, and what are the downstream biological effects in the aging human brain? Likewise, many FAD PS1 mutations reduce generation of APP’s intracellular domain, AICD. But despite intensive research, both the biological role of AICD in human brain and any consequences of AICD reduction by FAD mutations remain elusive. In any event, in FAD mutants NICD levels are down, AICD levels are down, and whether this indicates a general loss of function by γ-secretase represents a legitimate question that needs to be followed up, the authors argue. In addition, many AD PS mutations impair the initial, internal cut that presenilin performs on itself, and researchers need to sort out if this reduces the functional ability of γ-secretase.
Moreover, cadherins are γ-secretase substrates, and some FAD PS mutations suppress the cleavage of N-cadherin, a trans-synaptic stabilizing protein. What are the biological consequences in the human brain of suppressing N-cadherin cleavage? Finally, presenilin acts outside of γ-secretase, as well. For example, it tamps down Wnt signaling and some FAD PS mutations interfere with that process. Some recent data indicate that presenilin, when lodged in the ER, might act as a calcium channel of sorts; that function, too, is separate from Aβ generation. Taken together, the authors argue, pathogenic PS mutations weaken presenilin function inside and outside of γ-secretase, and the effect of this weakening on AD pathogenesis deserves more scrutiny. The authors tabulated data from 15 published studies analyzing the effect of various FAD mutations on levels of Aβ42, Aβ40, NICD, and AICD, as well as their ability to rescue knockout of the worm PS homolog sel12. The table suggests that whatever product one measures, partial γ-secretase inhibition by FAD PS mutations is the rule, not the exception. The Aβ42 increase represents an aberration from that rule. In other words, everything goes down, Aβ42 goes up. The question is what causes AD, the former or the latter?
2. Many γ-secretase Inhibitors Enhance Aβ42 Production
Enhance? Yes, you read correctly (at least at certain doses). A slew of small-molecule inhibitors of this intramembrane aspartic protease complex have been studied, and some appear to be doing fine in the clinic so far. But paradoxically, some of these compounds have turned out to do the opposite of what scientists expected. They increase generation of Aβ42 even while reducing that of other γ-secretase cleavage products, such as Aβ40. In that, these γ-secretase inhibitors mimic some FAD PS1 mutations, Shen and Kelleher caution, and this would cast doubt on their therapeutic potential. Other scientists have echoed this concern. The authors take this inhibitor data to support their argument that those FAD mutations cause AD by impairing certain γ-secretase functions. Increased Aβ42 production is but a symptom of a generally “sick” γ-secretase, they write. There is also a puzzling biphasic dose effect that needs a mechanistic explanation, whereby low doses of γ-secretase inhibitors boost Aβ42 production and higher doses decrease it.
3. Some PS1 Mutations Cause Dementia Without Amyloid
The argument here is that a few families are known to science who have what appear to be pathogenic mutations in PS1 but no amyloid, and who clinically have frontotemporal dementia more than AD. The mutations are L113P (Raux et al., 2000), G183V (Dermaut et al., 2004), M233L (Mendez and McMurtray, 2006), and an insertion called insR352. The last was called into question while Shen and Kelleher’s article was in press. An affected family upon later analysis proved also to carry a mutation in the progranulin gene, which is now blamed for the family’s symptoms (Boeve et al., 2006). This discussion welcomes comments on whether the field still considers the partial inhibition of γ-secretase reported earlier for this PS1 insertion to be relevant to the family’s disease (e.g., Amtul et al., 2002; AD/FTD mutation database).
4. Mutations All Across PS1 Imply Loss of Function
Unlike pathogenic APP mutations, which cluster around its cleavage sites (see APP diagram), the more than 150 pathogenic PS1 mutations known to date are widely distributed. They tend to cluster in all its nine transmembrane regions, as well as its endoproteolytic region (see new PS1 diagram). This pattern emphasizes the general importance of presenilin’s normal physiological function, rather than pointing to a specific, toxic gain of function with regard to Aβ42 production, the authors argue. They suspect that mutant, impaired PS1 protein acts like a “dominant-negative,” meaning that it somehow interferes with the proper activities of the normal allele that is also present in people with FAD. The authors discuss an allosteric mechanism that would allow mutant PS1 to both effect an increase in Aβ42 production and an inhibition of other γ-secretase functions.
5. What About APP Mutations? They Cause AD Through More Aβ!
True enough, the authors readily acknowledge, but they add that, as yet, nobody is quite sure how. Shen and Kelleher propose that all that extra Aβ generated off the mutant APP might interfere with presenilin function and in this way lead to a partial loss of function. A negative feedback loop between excess product, i.e., Aβ, and the generating enzyme might be at play. This, in effect, would turn excess Aβ into a sort of γ-secretase inhibitor that would sit in the active site for prolonged periods of time and hold up the enzyme’s other important cleavages. There is no shortage of ideas in this Perspective. Another suggests that excess Aβ might reduce expression of presenilin genes, and the authors point out that increased Aβ and impaired γ-secretase function may well converge at downstream signaling steps to reduce synaptic NMDA receptors and gene expression.
All things considered, the authors note that their model leaves ample room for elevated Aβ42 levels to contribute to AD. They do not view the presenilin loss-of-function hypothesis to be mutually exclusive with a role for Aβ42. They propose, however, that Aβ wreaks its damage by interfering with other, needed γ-secretase activities. In this view, loss of γ-secretase function would occur downstream of Aβ42 accumulation in FAD, and independently of Aβ in frontotemporal dementia. Shen and Kelleher stress that the “presenilin hypothesis reconciles important discrepancies in our current understanding of AD, thereby uniting a fragmented set of observations.” If true, the presenilin hypothesis would bode ill for some therapeutic attempts to inhibit γ-secretase. It would instead point to alternative strategies of inhibiting opposing pathways or even boosting certain physiologically important presenilin functions. Will selective presenilin agonists be up next? Esteemed colleague, what do you think?
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYU
In the last years, several laboratories have shown experimentally that presenilin FAD mutations cause a loss of function in both γ-secretase-dependent (Chen et al., 2002; Marambaud et al., 2003; Georgakopoulos et al., 2006) and γ-secretase-independent (Kang et al., 1999; Baki et al., 2004; Tu et al., 2006) cellular pathways. Importantly, it has been shown that FAD mutations cause a loss of PS-dependent function in the cell survival PI3K/Akt/GSK-3 signaling. Based on this observation, we and others proposed that loss of function in this pathway is involved in the neurodegeneration and tau abnormalities of PS mutant-induced FAD (Baki et al., 2004; Kang et al., 2005). This review by Shen and Kelleher is a welcome addition to a growing literature suggesting that loss, rather than gain, of function in specific cellular pathways may be causally involved in the mechanism by which FAD mutations promote neurodegeneration.
Chen F, Gu Y, Hasegawa H, Ruan X, Arawaka S, Fraser P, Westaway D, Mount H, St George-Hyslop P. Presenilin 1 mutations activate gamma 42-secretase but reciprocally inhibit epsilon-secretase cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and S3-cleavage of notch. J Biol Chem. 2002 Sep 27;277(39):36521-6. PubMed.
Marambaud P, Wen PH, Dutt A, Shioi J, Takashima A, Siman R, Robakis NK. A CBP binding transcriptional repressor produced by the PS1/epsilon-cleavage of N-cadherin is inhibited by PS1 FAD mutations. Cell. 2003 Sep 5;114(5):635-45. PubMed.
Georgakopoulos A, Litterst C, Ghersi E, Baki L, Xu C, Serban G, Robakis NK. Metalloproteinase/Presenilin1 processing of ephrinB regulates EphB-induced Src phosphorylation and signaling. EMBO J. 2006 Mar 22;25(6):1242-52. PubMed.
Kang DE, Soriano S, Frosch MP, Collins T, Naruse S, Sisodia SS, Leibowitz G, Levine F, Koo EH. Presenilin 1 facilitates the constitutive turnover of beta-catenin: differential activity of Alzheimer's disease-linked PS1 mutants in the beta-catenin-signaling pathway. J Neurosci. 1999 Jun 1;19(11):4229-37. PubMed.
Baki L, Shioi J, Wen P, Shao Z, Schwarzman A, Gama-Sosa M, Neve R, Robakis NK. PS1 activates PI3K thus inhibiting GSK-3 activity and tau overphosphorylation: effects of FAD mutations. EMBO J. 2004 Jul 7;23(13):2586-96. PubMed.
Tu H, Nelson O, Bezprozvanny A, Wang Z, Lee SF, Hao YH, Serneels L, De Strooper B, Yu G, Bezprozvanny I. Presenilins form ER Ca2+ leak channels, a function disrupted by familial Alzheimer's disease-linked mutations. Cell. 2006 Sep 8;126(5):981-93. PubMed.
Kang DE, Yoon IS, Repetto E, Busse T, Yermian N, Ie L, Koo EH. Presenilins mediate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT and ERK activation via select signaling receptors. Selectivity of PS2 in platelet-derived growth factor signaling. J Biol Chem. 2005 Sep 9;280(36):31537-47. PubMed.
Undoubtedly, the PNAS paper by Shen and Kelleher provides alternative lines of thought for the primary cause of neurodegeneration in FAD cases with presenilin mutations due to a presenilin loss of function.
My question to the authors is, what is their thinking regarding the vast majority of AD cases that are “sporadic”? Are any abnormalities seen in the expression of presenilin or the other γ-secretase components in sporadic AD, or is the presenilin loss-of-function hypothesis only true for FAD carrying presenilin and possibly APP mutations?
Considering the major risk factor for late-onset AD, ApoE4, it is noteworthy that in a mouse model of AD, the Aβ pathology seen with an ApoE4 transgene expression was similar to that seen with mutant presenilin expression (Van Dooren et al., 2006). This suggests that Aβ may play a role, after all, in the non-familial cases if we can extrapolate results from mice to humans. That SorLA is another substrate for γ-secretase (Nyborg et al., 2006) is of particular interest, now that SorLA has been identified as another risk factor for late-onset AD (Rogaeva et al., 2007). When SorLA (SORL1) is underexpressed, more Aβ is produced, as well.
Nyborg AC, Ladd TB, Zwizinski CW, Lah JJ, Golde TE. Sortilin, SorCS1b, and SorLA Vps10p sorting receptors, are novel gamma-secretase substrates. Mol Neurodegener. 2006;1:3. PubMed.
Van Dooren T, Muyllaert D, Borghgraef P, Cresens A, Devijver H, van der Auwera I, Wera S, Dewachter I, Van Leuven F. Neuronal or glial expression of human apolipoprotein e4 affects parenchymal and vascular amyloid pathology differentially in different brain regions of double- and triple-transgenic mice. Am J Pathol. 2006 Jan;168(1):245-60. PubMed.
Rogaeva E, Meng Y, Lee JH, Gu Y, Kawarai T, Zou F, Katayama T, Baldwin CT, Cheng R, Hasegawa H, Chen F, Shibata N, Lunetta KL, Pardossi-Piquard R, Bohm C, Wakutani Y, Cupples LA, Cuenco KT, Green RC, Pinessi L, Rainero I, Sorbi S, Bruni A, Duara R, Friedland RP, Inzelberg R, Hampe W, Bujo H, Song YQ, Andersen OM, Willnow TE, Graff-Radford N, Petersen RC, Dickson D, Der SD, Fraser PE, Schmitt-Ulms G, Younkin S, Mayeux R, Farrer LA, St George-Hyslop P. The neuronal sortilin-related receptor SORL1 is genetically associated with Alzheimer disease. Nat Genet. 2007 Feb;39(2):168-77. PubMed.
Shen and Kelleher present a compelling hypothesis that presenilin function is critical to the pathogenesis of AD. Alternatively, a loss of presenilin function may contribute more to the damage of calcium dynamics according to the calcium hypothesis of AD (Khachaturian, 1994).
In the spirit of what other compelling data is not explained solely by loss of presenilin function, there's still that pesky aspect of aging. We must account for age even with human carriers of APP or presenilin mutations that appear to take decades for phenotypic expression (Brewer, 2000; Brewer et al., 2005).
Brewer GJ. Neuronal plasticity and stressor toxicity during aging. Exp Gerontol. 2000 Dec;35(9-10):1165-83. PubMed.
Brewer GJ, Lim A, Capps NG, Torricelli JR. Age-related calcium changes, oxyradical damage, caspase activation and nuclear condensation in hippocampal neurons in response to glutamate and beta-amyloid. Exp Gerontol. 2005 May;40(5):426-37. PubMed.
Khachaturian ZS. Calcium hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease and brain aging. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1994 Dec 15;747:1-11. PubMed.
Shen and Kelleher raise some interesting points and provide a new view to the potential pathology of AD. Is AD caused by a loss of function of presenilin?
Some presenilin mutations reduce NICD levels and thus could be pathogenic by reducing Notch function. It could well be that this contributes to the neuronal vulnerability, but there are many other presenilin mutations that have no influence on Notch cleavage yet still cause AD. The widely accepted mechanism of these mutations is that it changes the processing of APP towards higher levels of Aβ42, as do most of the mutations in APP. However, at this point we have no clear idea by which mechanism Aβ42 or its aggregates exert their pathologic actions, and why in most of the transgenic models, high Aβ42 levels do not lead to neuronal loss. Shen and Kelleher argue that high Aβ42 inhibits γ-secretase function, leading thereby to a loss of presenilin function. This is interesting but not really backed by experimental evidence.
Furthermore, a complete and permanent knockout loss of presenilin function, as in the conditional presenilin knockout mice, could impair neuronal function and viability, but does this argue for a similar mechanism taking place in the AD brain?
The pharmacology of γ-secretase inhibitors is complex. Some compounds are known that shut off γ-secretase activity completely in a dose-dependent manner, and there are other compounds that modify γ-secretase activity. This modification can be toward a decrease of Aβ42 and a parallel increase of Aβ37 or 38 or the inverse, an increase of Aβ42 and decrease Aβ38 or 37, with and without affecting Aβ40 processing. Many of these modifiers act as inhibitors at higher concentrations. This pharmacology clearly exceeds what is known from presenilin mutations and argues for a highly organized enzyme complex with a fragile specificity for the cleavage site and allosteric centers influencing the cleavage site.
Although we have a good understanding of many pathological processes and mechanisms in AD, there are still many open questions. There is hope that some of these questions will be answered in the clinic by therapeutic approaches targeting different aspects of the disease process and finally confirming the amyloid cascade hypothesis, or disproving it.
UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Loss of presenilin function and abnormal calcium signaling
The papers discussed here, by Jie Shen and Raymond Kelleher, Bart De Strooper, and Michael Wolfe, offer a very interesting analysis of FAD-linked mutations in presenilins. In particular, Shen and Kelleher make a strong point that loss of presenilin function may be responsible for the AD phenotype. The strongest experimental evidence in support of this idea comes from previous analysis of PS cDKO mice performed by Shen’s laboratory [1].
Presenilins form a catalytic core of the γ-secretase, and most of the discussion in all three papers focuses on mutations in presenilins that cause a loss of γ-secretase function. I am not an expert in γ-secretase and therefore not qualified to comment on the specific points raised by these authors. I would, however, like to point out that our previous analysis revealed that the M146V mutation in PS1 and N141I mutations in PS2 resulted in the loss of a ER Ca2+ leak function mediated by presenilins [2]. Moreover, by coexpressing M146V and wild-type PS1 constructs, we demonstrated that the M146V mutant is able to “kill” the ER Ca2+ leak channel activity of wild-type PS1, and this is consistent with the dominant-negative mechanism exerted by these mutations [2]. In our more recent studies, we evaluated the effects of six randomly selected FAD mutations in PS1, and discovered that five of them completely abolish the ER Ca2+ leak function of PS1 [3]. In contrast, we found that three known FTD-associated mutations in PS1 (L113P, G183V, and Rins352) did not appear to affect the ER Ca2+ leak function of PS1 in our experiments. From these results, we concluded that either these mutations are not pathogenic or that defects in the ER Ca2+ leak pathway are not involved in FTD pathogenesis. Consistent with the former possibility, the insR352 mutation in PS1 is likely not pathogenic, and FTD in the affected family results from mutation in the progranulin gene [4].
Obviously, the connection between deranged Ca2+ signaling and AD pathogenesis is a wide-open question that is far from being resolved. But in the context of the current discussion regarding the loss of presenilin function in AD, our results agree “in spirit” with ideas expressed by Shen, Kelleher, De Strooper and Wolfe, although the mechanistic basis for our conclusions would be quite different.
Saura CA, Choi SY, Beglopoulos V, Malkani S, Zhang D, Shankaranarayana Rao BS, Chattarji S, Kelleher RJ 3rd, Kandel ER, Duff K, Kirkwood A, Shen J. Loss of presenilin function causes impairments of memory and synaptic plasticity followed by age-dependent neurodegeneration. Neuron. 2004 Apr 8;42(1):23-36. PubMed.
Tu H, Nelson O, Bezprozvanny A, Wang Z, Lee SF, Hao YH, Serneels L, De Strooper B, Yu G, Bezprozvanny I. Presenilins form ER Ca2+ leak channels, a function disrupted by familial Alzheimer's disease-linked mutations. Cell. 2006 Sep 8;126(5):981-93. PubMed.
Nelson O, Tu H, Lei T, Bentahir M, de Strooper B, Bezprozvanny I. Familial Alzheimer disease-linked mutations specifically disrupt Ca2+ leak function of presenilin 1. J Clin Invest. 2007 May;117(5):1230-9. Epub 2007 Apr 12 PubMed.
Boeve BF, Baker M, Dickson DW, Parisi JE, Giannini C, Josephs KA, Hutton M, Pickering-Brown SM, Rademakers R, Tang-Wai D, Jack CR, Kantarci K, Shiung MM, Golde T, Smith GE, Geda YE, Knopman DS, Petersen RC. Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism associated with the IVS1+1G->A mutation in progranulin: a clinicopathologic study. Brain. 2006 Nov;129(Pt 11):3103-14. PubMed.
Darmstadt Technical University
Shen and Kelleher's PNAS paper raises interesting questions, and it compiles data in favor of provocative answers. But what incontrovertible data did the authors ignore?
I agree with the comments made by Christian Czech. The pharmacology of γ-secretase inhibitors can no longer be summarized as depicted in Figure 3 of the PNAS Perspective. This figure may have been valid for active site-directed transition state analogues in 2003. But there are now several straight and inverse modulators (Leuchtenberger et al., 2006, Narlawar et al., 2006), several binding sites, and non-active site directed inhibitors. And a minority thereof displays the profile as in Figure 3. The authors do not take into account the activity of the Torrey Pines γ-secretase modulator (presented in March 2005), which is highly potent and selectively reduces Aβ42. Yet the authors arrive at the dimer model with allosteric regulation (see below).
Dirk Beher/Mark Shearman et al. published such contradictory data for allosteric inhibitors (Beher et al., 2004) and presented a model (Clarke et al., 2006) for their observation. The model is based on two PS1 active sites and a dimeric substrate. This model provides a rationale for the modulation by potent active site inhibitors at low concentrations.
Leuchtenberger S, Beher D, Weggen S. Selective modulation of Abeta42 production in Alzheimer's disease: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and beyond. Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(33):4337-55. PubMed.
Beher D, Clarke EE, Wrigley JD, Martin AC, Nadin A, Churcher I, Shearman MS. Selected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and their derivatives target gamma-secretase at a novel site. Evidence for an allosteric mechanism. J Biol Chem. 2004 Oct 15;279(42):43419-26. Epub 2004 Aug 10 PubMed.
Clarke EE, Churcher I, Ellis S, Wrigley JD, Lewis HD, Harrison T, Shearman MS, Beher D. Intra- or intercomplex binding to the gamma-secretase enzyme. A model to differentiate inhibitor classes. J Biol Chem. 2006 Oct 20;281(42):31279-89. PubMed.
Narlawar R, Pérez Revuelta BI, Haass C, Steiner H, Schmidt B, Baumann K. Scaffold of the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor carprofen provides Alzheimer gamma-secretase modulators. J Med Chem. 2006 Dec 28;49(26):7588-91. PubMed.
I first heard Jie present her presenilin hypothesis of Alzheimer disease at a Keystone meeting in Breckenridge in February 2006. At that time, I had read her seminal papers on the relation between the loss of function of presenilin and neurodegeneration (especially the crucial paper Saura et al., 2004), but did not fully grasp the extent of her ideas suggesting a general role for the loss of function of presenilin in driving neurodegeneration. Her presentation at the Keystone meeting really was a signature event for me in that it clearly spelled out her ideas, as now published in her PNAS Perspective. It is amazing how fertile a ground Jie's ideas have found as judged by the wave of recent opinion pieces echoing these ideas.
Although this is not really my field, I think that at this point, we have a major opportunity to reevaluate our approach to neurodegeneration. To me, as an outsider in the Alzheimer field, there appears to be little doubt that neurodegeneration is as complex as the brain that affects it, and any simple cause/effect relationship is unlikely. Clearly, multiple pathways feed into the gradual and slow decline of neuronal function observed in Alzheimer disease. The idea that a loss of function of presenilins is a major contributor to this process is overwhelmingly attractive in view of the many presenilin mutations in familial Alzheimer disease, and Jie and Ray make a beautiful case for this idea in their PNAS Perspective. As they themselves state, however, this does not mean that Aβ is irrelevant, or that ApoE does not play a major role.
My personal view is that the major challenge now is to determine the precise nature of neuronal cell death in Alzheimer disease, the molecular identity of the final pathway that leads to neuronal cell death downstream of presenilins, and how events such as a loss of function of presenilins initiate neuronal cell death. Is it a lack of synaptic function, directly or indirectly caused by a loss of presenilin function? It seems likely to me that understanding the normal functions of the proteins involved, beyond the very important identification of presenilins as likely catalytic γ-secretase subunits, will be important for meeting the challenge of understanding neurodegeneration, for example, the role of ApoE in presenilin function, if any, and the role of APP cleavage in cell physiology.
Saura CA, Choi SY, Beglopoulos V, Malkani S, Zhang D, Shankaranarayana Rao BS, Chattarji S, Kelleher RJ 3rd, Kandel ER, Duff K, Kirkwood A, Shen J. Loss of presenilin function causes impairments of memory and synaptic plasticity followed by age-dependent neurodegeneration. Neuron. 2004 Apr 8;42(1):23-36. PubMed.
Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
Jie Shen and Ron Kelleher’s PNAS Perspective summarizes experimental data from several laboratories suggesting a presenilin loss-of-function mechanism in Alzheimer disease. This hypothesis is strongly supported by the following experimental evidence:
1. FAD-linked PS mutations reduce γ-secretase activity (Bentahir et al., 2006; Kumar-Singh et al., 2006).
2. Some FAD-linked PS1 mutations alter γ-secretase-independent PS functions (PI3K, β-catenin, Ca2+…).
3. Some PS1 mutations (G183V and L113P) cause frontotemporal dementia characterized by the presence of tauopathy but not amyloid plaques (Dermaut et al., 2004; Hutton, 2004).
4. PS cDKO mice with targeted disruption of presenilins in the cerebral cortex have memory deficits and neurodegeneration (Saura et al., 2004).
However, it is still unclear whether loss of PS function can explain the majority of sporadic cases of AD. First, not all FAD-linked PS mutations increase Aβ42 or decrease Aβ40 levels or other γ-secretase cleavages to the same degree (Bentahir et al., 2006; Kumar-Singh et al., 2006), indicating that other γ-secretase-dependent or -independent PS functions besides APP processing should be affected in this disease. Second, the fact that abnormal levels of Aβ42 are found in the AD brain supports the prevailing view that changes in the generation and/or degradation of Aβ are key factors in AD pathogenesis.
Whether Aβ peptides may cause AD by interfering with PS function and/or expression by acting as γ-secretase inhibitors, as suggested by the authors in their PNAS Perspective, is an attractive but provocative idea that has not been proved. If that is the case, then a reduction of PS/γ-secretase activity should be present in AD brains. Furthermore, if abnormal Aβ levels and loss of PS function coordinately cause neurodegeneration and memory loss in AD, then both events should impair a common set of cellular pathways essential for neuronal survival and memory.
I totally agree with Tom Sudhof that understanding the normal functions of the proteins involved in the disease will be important for understanding neurodegeneration. Indeed, our investigations of PS cDKO mice were precisely aimed to gain insight in the normal function of PS. From those studies it is clear that PS regulates several signaling pathways (NMDA, CREB…) that are essential for synaptic function and plasticity and neuronal survival, and that loss of PS function disrupts memory and causes neurodegeneration. It is surprising to me that after several decades of research on the molecular basis of AD, the normal function of Aβ is still unknown. In my opinion, it will be important to continue searching for the normal function of PS and Aβ and the molecular mechanisms that they share in order to fully understand the etiology of this complex disorder.
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Kumar-Singh S, Theuns J, Van Broeck B, Pirici D, Vennekens K, Corsmit E, Cruts M, Dermaut B, Wang R, Van Broeckhoven C. Mean age-of-onset of familial alzheimer disease caused by presenilin mutations correlates with both increased Abeta42 and decreased Abeta40. Hum Mutat. 2006 Jul;27(7):686-95. PubMed.
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