Seeded Aggregation and Transmissible Proteopathy—Creepy Stuff Not Just for Prions Anymore?
proteopathies. Trends Neurosci. 2006 Aug;29(8):438-43. Abstract Selected Primary Papers on Seeding: Bolmont T,
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proteopathies. Trends Neurosci. 2006 Aug;29(8):438-43. Abstract Selected Primary Papers on Seeding: Bolmont T,
flow. (Editor’s note: see recent paper about connectivity data in young ApoE4 data: Filippini et al.,
inactivation. Vikram Khurana Dohoon, Li-Huei, congratulations on the great paper! Cdk5 seems to be a central
yes, Cell Calcium paper from De Smedt's group (see Kasri et al., 2006). Please see detailed
reported in the paper (you can download a copy of this and other relevant papers). The mouse findings were
my slides, there's a citation to a recent paper in Acta Neuropath Scand about E4, falls without
Webinar paper, so it might be useful for the statistics on the subject). The work is done by Dr.
Brewer Yong, we have two recent papers that show major effects of TNFR1 and R2 with age in old rat
Trinna Cuellar Joel, I agree with you. Some of the papers published in the last year or so demonstrating
The amyloid precursor protein was first cloned in 1987. Twenty years and 4,000+ papers later, the
reported results of further evaluation of the AD8 interview in back-to-back papers in Archives of
the topic of a forthcoming paper. Our preliminary analyses suggest that participants found to be at
Searching for the wherewithal to push on with your work on a promising new Alzheimer therapy? The NIH offers funding for research support at every step of the process, from early drug discovery right through to phase 3 clinical trials, if you know where t
a lively Alzforum discussion when Peter Davies initiated a conversation about a paper from Bart de
characterized by synaptic pathology and as exemplified by a paper in this month’s PLoS, the two may have
Have a topic idea for a webinar? We would love to hear it. Send an email to webinars [at] alzforum [dot] org.